Beginning again...what do you think?

Beginning again...what do you think?
Posted by Deanof316 on March 23, 2004 at 01:52:42: Previous Next

Hey guys, this a great board, with some really insightful comments. Wish I'd come here before my haircut.

Yeah thats right, after 3 years I got my wonderful hair cut. Why? Lets just say that I have a hairdresser in the family and as I still live at home (turning 20 next month, yet I live in Australia, so the whole 'collge system' as it exists in the U.S. doesn't happen here), the tension was too much to deal with.

Anyway, all this rambling brings me to my question...

Imagine a man, mid-twenties, about 6 foot, in very good bodily condition (and very muscular), with his bangs (and all the hair in the front and above the ears) maybe just above the nose (or even higher up) and yet with a glorious mane at the back-either a full-on mullet or a 'rats tail', but in either case, quite a long length of hair, probably mid-back to waist.

i.e. me in 5 years.

What do you think?

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