stupid wave

stupid wave
Posted by Dan on April 15, 2004 at 16:00:37: Previous Next

Okay, I'm 15 years old and I been growing my hair out for almost a year. I don't have very many photos of my long hair yet all I have to say is that my hair is real thick ( my friends make jokes and say "dude, you have like 10 billion strands of year ). Anyway, the thing that disturbs me the most is the wave on the back of my hair that sticks out mostly on the right side.. Is there any way to get rid of that? Maybe there's some way to chemically straighten it or something? Along with that is there a way to make my hair thin out a little bit? I still want it to look thick but not as thick as the way my hair is... I haven't had a trim in a while maybe this is the problem.... Suggestions?

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