Mort Topfer

Mort Topfer
Posted by Victor on August 25, 1999 at 09:18:11:

Last night Dell had its annual company-wide event. One of the repeated themes of the even was the hair of Mort Topfer (vice chairman). Playful pictures from the 21st century giving views of what the company would be like in the future showed other officers imitating Mort's long hair style.

I tried to find a good picture of him, but I didn't find one that shows his hair well. I did find these quotes, though from IT News.

"'Yes, I have got very long hair for someone in the computer industry, but my wife is English and she likes me to be continental.' - Mort Topfer, Dell Computer Corporation vice-chairman. He was visiting New Zealand last week.

"'I don't think I will wear a pony tail, not until I retire that is, and that is a long way off.' - Mr Topfer who is 61, again, on hair. "

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