Steve August

Steve August
Posted by Michael on October 27, 2000 at 07:45:01: Previous Next

I was watching a program last night on the Family channel called "The Most Awesome Acts on Earth". The program featured a variety of "not-so-awesome" acts until a certain juggler came on stage. My heart stopped and I could hardly breathe. This guy had thick, surfer-blonde hair down to his knees. He wore it tied at his waist so that his ponytail started there and hung to his knees (although it appeared longer at times because his head was tilted back - at which time it just about touched the floor). His name is Steve August. I found his web site this morning. It's simply: Check it out. It's not like seeing him in action, but it'll give you an idea of what I'm talking about. (Click your way around his site, some great "hair" photos are in unlikely places).

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