donating hair: locks of love
Posted by Steven Winner on March 18, 2001 at 21:23:11: Previous Next
OK for those of you who want to give up the long hair thing, don't just let all that beautyful hair just get brushed away at the barber shop. An organization known as Locks of Love will take donated hair and make wigs out of it for cancer patients. The natural wigs seem to look better.
My mother is a breast cancer survivor, and during her chemothearapy treatment had to wear wigs. If I ever get tired of my mid-back blond hair, that is what I am going to do
Re: donating hair: locks of love
Posted by wolfgang on March 19, 2001 at 16:18:46: Previous Next
In Reply to: donating hair: locks of love posted by Steven Winner on March 18, 2001 at 21:23:11:
This hair gathering machine can not get enough. In the first year of their appearance they gathered 10000 ponytails and produced 50 wigs and with the growing of popularity it may be 50000 or 100000 now ? I don't know. The last thing I heard they had produced 300 wigs now. In the name of this organization douzens of humen with super long hair were figured out and the hair hacked off in some American TV evening shows, not only from women. I heard that most of the women cried in public. Besite that long haired women are offended from society why they don't sacrifice their hair to this organization and peer pressure takes of a lot of hair that could be better used to enjoy people. What happened with all the hair? Why don't they gather hair that is already cut, there exist large amount of hair extensions and tons of hair that every day falls down in hair dressing saloons. No, they need people who don't have much money and catch off their individual richness of hair and waste the greatest part of it.
For information: the proclaimed goal is not to gather hair for cancer patients, they gather hair for people who suffer on alopecia, and their gathering activities are unlimited and noone controls them.
Re: donating hair: locks of love
Posted by Nova on March 20, 2001 at 11:13:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: donating hair: locks of love posted by wolfgang on March 19, 2001 at 16:18:46: