Posted by A. Michelson on July 01, 2001 at 20:05:30: Previous Next
It worked! We all digested the bad site! Thanks to everyone, including Madoc, for tearing down the illegal activity! Now all the Samsons, and everyone else, will rest knowing that their likenesses and images won't be used in a negative way.
Geocities doesn't mess around!
Posted by Burke on July 02, 2001 at 20:39:38:
In Reply to: UPDATE! posted by A. Michelson on July 01, 2001 at 20:05:30:
They took action and took Our letters very seriously
maybe a Long Haired Member of the geocities staff helped to shut down this intolerant and slanderous site. I say good riddence!
: It worked! We all digested the bad site! Thanks to everyone, including Madoc, for tearing down the illegal activity! Now all the Samsons, and everyone else, will rest knowing that their likenesses and images won't be used in a negative way.
And the site's owner is weeping now on another buzzboard
And Another
Posted by Victor on July 03, 2001 at 03:06:04: Previous Next
In Reply to: Geocities doesn't mess around! posted by Burke on July 02, 2001 at 20:39:38:
Here's another board with essentially the same message. I replied to it as well.
damn ....
Posted by bluesguy on July 02, 2001 at 20:39:44:
In Reply to: UPDATE! posted by A. Michelson on July 01, 2001 at 20:05:30:
and i just found something positive in it....
let's say girls see those sites and our sites, they see how unmannered assholes those shaved-head guys are, and how nice we longhairs are, and they see that these shaved-head guys have absolutely no respect for girls, cause they used it in a negative way to call us girls (so being a girls is bad?), you know what i mean.
Well anyway i am thinking way to complex, maybe it is better yes now the site is disapeared LOL!.
Hate my new Bob
Posted by cheyanne on July 02, 2001 at 20:39:49:
In Reply to: UPDATE! posted by A. Michelson on July 01, 2001 at 20:05:30:
Thought I would like to try a bob with bangs looked super when stylist was done on sat. by sun. morn had that triangle thing going on. can't even pull it back. hair is kinda poofy only good thing is big hoops show better!
Re: Hate my new "triangle?"
Posted by A. Michelson on July 02, 2001 at 23:12:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hate my new Bob posted by cheyanne on July 02, 2001 at 20:39:49:
: Thought I would like to try a bob with bangs looked super when stylist was done on sat. by sun. morn had that triangle thing going on. can't even pull it back. hair is kinda poofy only good thing is big hoops show better!
Please explain to me what you mean by "triangle thing." Also, what are hoops?
Who's intolerant now?
Posted by Madoc on July 02, 2001 at 23:14:36:
In Reply to: UPDATE! posted by A. Michelson on July 01, 2001 at 20:05:30:
bluesguy, Burke & all,
This is NOT a good thing.
It really saddens me that so many of you on this board don't get this fact. If their board was shut down for copyright violations due to the unauthorized use of photographs then that is one thing. I rather doubt they were shut down so fast just because of that. Usually, such violations earn a message warning them of their violation and then their site gets pulled if the violation continues. I rather think it was the complaints about the "offensive" nature of their board which did it. We have NOTHING to be proud of if that was the case.
The opinions and views expressed by Military Mark, Curt, Military Father, et. al, may have been insensitive, may have been offensive, may have been deliberately confrontational but they were just opinions and views. They were exercising their rights to free speech. So long as they did not advocate anything more than that then they well within their rights. And that is where they stayed.
We went to their site and hounded them. We confronted them on their board. Some of us tried to debate them on their points and got nowhere. Some others from this board simply went over there to insult and slander them as badly we felt they were insulting and slandering us. Hardly behavior to be proud of or celebrate. I was especially sickened by the few here who sought to attack the men on that board by calling them all fagg@ts and gays. That was a disgusting low point and a real insult to all the gay and bi Longhairs on this board. Myself included. Nothing like cutting down one group by insulting another. Way to go guys.
Instead of an agreement to disagree, instead of a recognition that they have just as much right to their opinions as we ours, what has now happened is something else. Now we have shown an already hostile and defensive bunch of closeminded individuals that we Longhairs will apparently stoop to just about anything to silence them and their views. Nothing on earth fuels bigotry better than trying to silence it. The more you try and repress such ignorant hatred the more it breeds.
The thing to have done would have been to let them ramble on in their own little corner. The more they got to chatter among themselves the more ridiculous they would be revealed. Now however, Military Mark has gained instant martyr status. Whether others would have agreed with his ignorant and offensive groupthink they will at least see that he has been wronged by us. We now come across as the oppressor and the intolerant. We now are in the role of unfairly discriminating against others for the way they cut their hair. Rightly or wrongly, this is what message they will take from this and trumpet to others. This is not a good thing for us. It is nothing to celebrate. We are all diminished by this. Myself included.
Madoc Pope
PS: I am posting a copy of this on the "House of Wyatt's Clip Board." I think we owe them an apology. - MP
Hideous Yahoo GeoCities Regulations?
Posted by A. Michelson on July 04, 2001 at 09:18:08:
In Reply to: Who's intolerant now? posted by Madoc on July 02, 2001 at 23:14:36:
: bluesguy, Burke & all,
: This is NOT a good thing.
: It really saddens me that so many of you on this board don't get this fact. If their board was shut down for copyright violations due to the unauthorized use of photographs then that is one thing. I rather doubt they were shut down so fast just because of that. Usually, such violations earn a message warning them of their violation and then their site gets pulled if the violation continues. I rather think it was the complaints about the "offensive" nature of their board which did it. We have NOTHING to be proud of if that was the case.
I agree, Madoc, that was way too Draculan (or was it Draconian? ;¬)
: The opinions and views expressed by Military Mark, Curt, Military Father, et. al, may have been insensitive, may have been offensive, may have been deliberately confrontational but they were just opinions and views. They were exercising their rights to free speech. So long as they did not advocate anything more than that then they well within their rights. And that is where they stayed.
Good point, Madoc, since I'm way in favor of Free Speech!
: We went to their site and hounded them. We confronted them on their board. Some of us tried to debate them on their points and got nowhere. Some others from this board simply went over there to insult and slander them as badly we felt they were insulting and slandering us. Hardly behavior to be proud of or celebrate. I was especially sickened by the few here who sought to attack the men on that board by calling them all fagg@ts and gays. That was a disgusting low point and a real insult to all the gay and bi Longhairs on this board. Myself included. Nothing like cutting down one group by insulting another. Way to go guys.
Read my message #18010 about this (Darn those %$#@ screening notices; I would have posted this message sooner if I got that other message sooner!)
: Instead of an agreement to disagree, instead of a recognition that they have just as much right to their opinions as we ours, what has now happened is something else. Now we have shown an already hostile and defensive bunch of closeminded individuals that we Longhairs will apparently stoop to just about anything to silence them and their views. Nothing on earth fuels bigotry better than trying to silence it. The more you try and repress such ignorant hatred the more it breeds.
Did you notice such "sabre-rattling" messages such as Geocities doesn't mess around?
: The thing to have done would have been to let them ramble on in their own little corner. The more they got to chatter among themselves the more ridiculous they would be revealed. Now however, Military Mark has gained instant martyr status. Whether others would have agreed with his ignorant and offensive groupthink they will at least see that he has been wronged by us. We now come across as the oppressor and the intolerant. We now are in the role of unfairly discriminating against others for the way they cut their hair. Rightly or wrongly, this is what message they will take from this and trumpet to others. This is not a good thing for us. It is nothing to celebrate. We are all diminished by this. Myself included.
Yes, I did go on Mach-3 to share information. I was not instrumental in bringing anything down! In fact, I was surprised that the web-site, message board, etc. disappeared!
: Sincerely,
: Madoc Pope
: PS: I am posting a copy of this on the "House of Wyatt's Clip Board." I think we owe them an apology. - MP
Re: Hideous Yahoo GeoCities Regulations?
Posted by john on July 04, 2001 at 11:38:37:
In Reply to: Hideous Yahoo GeoCities Regulations? posted by A. Michelson on July 04, 2001 at 09:18:08:
i don't feel a whole lot of guilt for their site & board being brought down. when i first visited to site there was explicit instruction of how one can remove a person'e hair without them knowing. the whole site was based on hatred and intolerance of longhairs and if it was someone's complaints about objectionable content that brought it down then too f**ing bad. it was not a support site for fellow buzz cuts it was about a war against us... well guess what we won the battle with the most formidable weapon: truth. the specific references on how to force a haircut did get removed and that was ok by me- that's all i complained about but the intolerance and hatred remained. despite specific modifications and disclaimer it was pretty clear to me that they still advocated forcibly shearing a guy with long hair. for that their site was forcibly sheared from the internet.
I agree 100%!
Posted by Burke on July 04, 2001 at 23:03:03:
In Reply to: Re: Hideous Yahoo GeoCities Regulations? posted by john on July 04, 2001 at 11:38:37:
I agree and I was one of those who emailed Geocities and am not feeling guilty about it.
there is a thing as free speech, but these guys crossed way over the line.
my complaints were due to the copyright infringement issue and the fact that peoples photos were being utilized in a derogatory manner. this is what I emailed geocities about. Had they just called us all Ladies on their board I could've cared less and would have just ignored them.
now, that that board is history let's all quit the arguing and focus on what this board is intended for.possitive discussion about Long Hair.
: i don't feel a whole lot of guilt for their site & board being brought down. when i first visited to site there was explicit instruction of how one can remove a person'e hair without them knowing. the whole site was based on hatred and intolerance of longhairs and if it was someone's complaints about objectionable content that brought it down then too f**ing bad. it was not a support site for fellow buzz cuts it was about a war against us... well guess what we won the battle with the most formidable weapon: truth. the specific references on how to force a haircut did get removed and that was ok by me- that's all i complained about but the intolerance and hatred remained. despite specific modifications and disclaimer it was pretty clear to me that they still advocated forcibly shearing a guy with long hair. for that their site was forcibly sheared from the internet.
thank you
Posted by john on July 05, 2001 at 08:21:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: I agree 100%! posted by Burke on July 04, 2001 at 23:03:03:
it's said that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance; and we should certainly take that to heart. my post that you responded to was made after weighing the various messages stating that we owed the other camp an apology. for what i wondered... certainly if 'objectionable material' were the rationale for closing them down then they would be protected by freedom of speech. clearly yahoo/geocities saw something beyond a question of content. perhaps a few individuals should apologize for posting flames on their board, but it was not a group action. i myself considered posting something but thought better of it as it was clear that rational discourse was impossible with that level of hate motivated closed mindedness. that left revenge as the sole motivator for me to post there so i refrained as i am unwilling to draw negative attention here.
yes indeed, lets return to positive discussion of long hair but let none of us forget this experience and to keep our eyes open for such hate based sites-- not only against fellow longhairs, but also against race, religion, sexual preference, gender, and so forth because if we let others abuse their freedom of speech they endanger not only their own freedoms but also ours.
Multiple Postings
Posted by A. Michelson on July 04, 2001 at 09:36:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: Who's intolerant now? posted by Madoc on July 02, 2001 at 23:14:36:
I apologize for any multiple postings that you might see here. Apparently, the WebMaster was a little slow in putting up the screened messages, so I went ahead and reposted, each time getting the Screening Notice. Apparently, if your message has a certain word or words, or contains certain other content, then it has to be screened by Victor. I am in no way harassing Madoc or anyone else!
Re: Multiple Postings
Posted by Bill on July 04, 2001 at 10:10:06: Previous Next
In Reply to: Multiple Postings posted by A. Michelson on July 04, 2001 at 09:36:10:
: I apologize for any multiple postings that you might see here. Apparently, the WebMaster was a little slow in putting up the screened messages, so I went ahead and reposted, each time getting the Screening Notice. Apparently, if your message has a certain word or words, or contains certain other content, then it has to be screened by Victor. I am in no way harassing Madoc or anyone else!
Yes, Alan, a web board I run has the same software, and the screening notice you get asks that you not repost messages. Back when you used the handle "HHH", you posted this, so you know that:
Experience having others drag your old posts out of the archives
(See why most of us exercise restraint in doing that?)
By the way, I don't see your multiple postings on the board, so Victor and those who help him are probably smart enough to not clear the same message over and over. :-)
Re: Multiple Postings
Posted by A. Michelson on July 04, 2001 at 10:57:13: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Multiple Postings posted by Bill on July 04, 2001 at 10:10:06:
: : I apologize for any multiple postings that you might see here. Apparently, the WebMaster was a little slow in putting up the screened messages, so I went ahead and reposted, each time getting the Screening Notice. Apparently, if your message has a certain word or words, or contains certain other content, then it has to be screened by Victor. I am in no way harassing Madoc or anyone else!
: Yes, Alan, a web board I run has the same software, and the screening notice you get asks that you not repost messages. Back when you used the handle "HHH", you posted this, so you know that:
: Did anyone notice or care that you can click on this link?
As I said before, it is probably moot, since people are too lazy to click on the link. Thank you, Bill, for bringing it up, but people would be too lazy to notice!
: (See why most of us exercise restraint in doing that?)
But I'll excercise restraint before I bore half the audience!
: By the way, I don't see your multiple postings on the board, so Victor and those who help him are probably smart enough to not clear the same message over and over. :-)
Funny that you asked: I posted that message thinking that IT might be held for screening. So I did it before the other messages might appear. That screening notice might be a random thing, and I don't know whether messages might appear now or later. Sort of like Murphy's Law. Click on the link that Bill graciously helped put up for me about the screening notice. By the way, he used HTML and was careful not to make mistakes. I would just rather fill in the blanks on the form to make a link like this:
Re: Different Tastes
Posted by A. Michelson on July 04, 2001 at 12:03:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Multiple Postings posted by A. Michelson on July 04, 2001 at 10:57:13:
: : Yes, Alan, a web board I run has the same software, and the screening notice you get asks that you not repost messages. Back when you used the handle "HHH", you posted this, so you know that:
I was getting impatient, since Victor hasn't put up the message in over 24 hours! (Even though he already put up his own message.)
: Did anyone notice or care that you can click on this link?
: As I said before, it is probably moot, since people are too lazy to click on the link. Thank you, Bill, for bringing it up, but people would be too lazy to notice!
Right! What might be offensive to you may not be offensive to me. I don't mind the links because I do it all the time;¬) People have different tastes; remember that one man's meat is another man's poison. Maybe, people have different idiosyncrasies!
: : (See why most of us exercise restraint in doing that?)
: But I'll excercise restraint before I bore half the audience!
: Experience having me drag my old posts out of the archives!
Patience with volunteers
Posted by Bill on July 04, 2001 at 12:44:57: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Different Tastes posted by A. Michelson on July 04, 2001 at 12:03:54:
: I was getting impatient, since Victor hasn't put up the message in over 24 hours! (Even though he already put up his own message.)
Jesus, Alan, the man might have been in a hurry and just dropped in briefly. He may have decided to leave clearing messages to those he has helping him out, or to return and look at held messages later.
Be aware the software does have an option to leave a message in the holding bin. I could see an assistant clearing obviously-good stuff, dumping obviously-bad stuff, and leaving a questionable post there for Victor to decide on, for example. This means it might get posted later. So don't analyze the system like it has a computer brain and will do everything in logical order, because it is being overseen by human people. I, for one, see that as a plus.
Re: Multiple Postings
Posted by Bill on July 04, 2001 at 12:13:32: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Multiple Postings posted by A. Michelson on July 04, 2001 at 10:57:13:
: Funny that you asked: I posted that message thinking that IT might be held for screening. So I did it before the other messages might appear. That screening notice might be a random thing, and I don't know whether messages might appear now or later. Sort of like Murphy's Law.
I can tell you the screening notice that software package generates is not random. Keep in mind that when you reply to another man's post, the words you left in your message that he typed may trigger it. This means your message may be held even though you know your own words were perfectly harmless. In this case, since the other man's post that you replied to was cleared for posting, I'd be surprised if yours isn't, too.
Putting a screening system on a board creates a nuisance for the owner and for the users, but those of us who've been around this board for awhile know what it was like without it, so we bear with it. The board had descended to a near-to-worthless brawl of abuse in the one month period it took to get the screening software on line.
Some boards screen every post or require every person posting to register. Victor has not gone that route; he wants what we want - for him to keep the board as open as possible. The system he has installed, among the alternatives, presents the least inconvenience to the user. No system is perfect, however, and it will sometimes be an inconvenience.
The board is run with volunteer labor, so let's not get impatient when posts are hung in it for a while. Be assured this software package does not throw anything away, which is the way it should be - if you go to the trouble of writing a post, someone should actually look at it, and the way that software works, they do. Held posts are all retained for human inspection.
Now, we're a bunch of longhairs, so let's drop recent topics, all chill, and get back to being laid back, which is what longhairs are famous for. ((big grin))
Posted by A. Michelson on July 04, 2001 at 11:10:58: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Multiple Postings posted by Bill on July 04, 2001 at 10:10:06:
: By the way, I don't see your multiple postings on the board, so Victor and those who help him are probably smart enough to not clear the same message over and over. :-)
Do you mean "smart enough to clear the same message over and over?"
225-year-old Country
Posted by A. Michelson on July 05, 2001 at 00:02:42: Previous Next
In Reply to: Who's intolerant now? posted by Madoc on July 02, 2001 at 23:14:36:
Is today Independence Day for Free Speech, or Independence Day against forced haircuts?¬)
They were short on content anyway
Posted by ManeMusic on July 07, 2001 at 18:25:57: Previous Next
In Reply to: UPDATE! posted by A. Michelson on July 01, 2001 at 20:05:30:
No doubt GeoCities wants sites that are *longer* on information so that people stay around to read more ads!
[That's a long-haired smiley above, of course.]
Re: They were short on content anyway
Posted by A. Michelson on July 07, 2001 at 22:26:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: They were short on content anyway posted by ManeMusic on July 07, 2001 at 18:25:57:
: No doubt GeoCities wants sites that are *longer* on information so that people stay around to read more ads!
Do you mean:
: [That's a long-haired smiley above, of course.]
Re: Smiley
Posted by A. Michelson on July 07, 2001 at 22:32:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: They were short on content anyway posted by A. Michelson on July 07, 2001 at 22:26:15:
: Do you mean:: ~
: ~
: ~
: ~
: ~
: ~
: {:-)
: ~
: ~
: ~
: ~
: ~
: ~I guess I can't do diagonal hair, due to the lack of leading & trailing spaces?