awkward stage progress

awkward stage progress
Posted by headbanger on August 29, 2001 at 00:03:27: Previous Next

this is my hair at about seven months. i think its finally starting to get there, i figure maybe in another 5 or 6 months it will start to have a halfway "long" look to it. But, we all know how the akward stage is, when you first start you think your hair will be long in 2 months, then in 2 months you say "i give it another 3 months till its long, the in 3 more months...etc. etc. if im still not even close, can i at least be safe in assuming the worst is over and its just going to get better? i know it looks really bad in this pic but i usually push most of it behind my ears and wear a baseball cap, a bandanna, or a beanie. i just brushed it all out so you guys could get a better idea of how long it is. as always, thanks for any input:)

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