What's with Hairdressers?

What's with Hairdressers?
Posted by Gordo on September 25, 2001 at 05:09:11: Previous Next

Haven't been here for a while but I feel like venting.

On the weekend I decided to get my hair trimmed as it was starting to become hard to brush due to damaged ends. I specifically told the stylist I only wanted a very small trim. about half-a-inch and she said no problems.

All seemed to be going well, I had my hair blow-dried straight for a change and it looked like not much had been taken off. I got home and then started getting a uneasy feeling as something seemed wrong, my hair seemed alot shorter then it should've been judging by how it referenced to places on my back. I then realised the stylist had taken a good 2 to 3 inches off the length of my hair!!!

Sinced when did 1/2 inch equate to 2 or 3 inches? It makes me so mad as there goes a good part of a years growth! Why can't hairdressers carry out simple instructions and do what the customer wishes without having to improvise and just do what they want to do? Its not like it is a difficult task! What does it take to get what you actually ask for? A second party to sit behind the hairdresser and watch their every move?

What makes me even more mad is that I was only several months away from finally getting to my desired hair length (halfway down my back) but now it is just above the bottom of my shoulderblades. My hair doesn't grow overly fast, only about 1cm a month, now I feel like I'm starting from the beginning again.


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