Locks of Love

Locks of Love
Posted by SHF on October 03, 2001 at 10:39:12: Previous Next

I feel I need to start a new thread, since the old thread is way down the page, and "LOL" was not the original topic anyway.

While it is true that "LOL" sells some of the hair to cover operating costs, I believe the majority of long ponytails is indeed used in the making of wigs for children. It is the shorter lengths of hair (less than 10"), and the grey hair that is primarily sold at fair market value to help offset the costs. There are people who donate money to this organization, as well. Their operating costs could not possibly be covered by the sale of hair alone.

I am not saying that anyone should cut his hair just to contribute it to "LOL," but for those who are going to cut it off anyway, what better way to utilize the unwanted strands of keratin?

I have included a link to the organization for those who want a more detailed view of who they are, and what they do.

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