Hair growth and style- HELP!

Hair growth and style- HELP!
Posted by Andrew on November 06, 2001 at 20:07:25: Previous Next

Hi. Please, does anyone know if there is anything on earth that I could take (pill, cream, substance, food, etc.) to maximize my hair growth rate? I want my long hair back!!!

I had shoulder-length hair (and it looked so awesome!), but had it chopped to just below my ears, and was thinking about getting it cut to real short grunge look to possibly attract women, but I want my long hair back! I like the evil look, long black or pure white hair, but I'm told by my friends that women hate guys with long hair! Has anyone else run into this problem?
What should I do? Grow it long again, or short? Both my hair and facial hair grow reaaaalllyy slloooww, (most guys can grow a beard in 2 weeks, it would take me 3 months) and I want a full goatee/'stache, but I don't know if there is any, I MEAN ANYTHING to grow hair quicker. Diet type? please help!!!

Also, I have had alot of trouble finding the exact hair and facial hair styles I like. I like the avante guarde and exotic styles, and anything that looks sophisticatedly evil. Anyone know a site where I can get the absolute most info and pics for all styles? PLEASE HELP!!!


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