Grey worries? (In response to Matt)

Grey worries? (In response to Matt)
Posted by Bill S on January 03, 2002 at 21:14:15: Previous Next

Don't worry about the grey. If the photo link worked you should be seeing my 54 year old grey-white hair. Started turning 30 years ago - never colored it - never will. I get lots of compliments, especially now that it is getting longer.

Last cut was last April, but unfortunately I had it trimmed (drastically) in August. Lost about 3 inches off of the pony tail - but left the sides alone. Hopefully I'll be past the awkward stage in another couple of months. (I'll define that by having the sides reach, and stay in, a pony tail band.)

I wish I had known about this site before the August trim - it might have changed my outlook about the trim. I have been lurking here a while and have learned from all of your input; and am now starting my own long-hair site.


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