Please, I need advice
Posted by Santiago on January 09, 2002 at 23:46:54: Previous Next
This is a big problem. Just when I thought I had talked my parents into accepting my already somewhat long looking (at least for some) hair, and growing it further, pressure for a "fixing" on the back is becomming stronger, I don't want to cut any hair at all, but I need to make the back look tidy (very easy for curly hair in the awckward stage, lol). I really think that after almost 8 months I'm way past the half point in the awckward stage, and I want to keep all my hair. Also my mother today freaked out when she saw I was seriously aiming for pony tail length (I think she thought I wasn't serious). She said she doesn't want me on a pony and said long hair is for affeminate guys. My dad does not agree, but doesn't get in the middle, and my momo won't force me either (I hope) But I need a way to keep things peaceful, I don't want to postpone my straightening and I dont want to loose inches. Any ideas? Thank you
Re: Please, I need advice
Posted by George Harrison on January 10, 2002 at 01:54:02: Previous Next
In Reply to: Please, I need advice posted by Santiago on January 09, 2002 at 23:46:54:
Explain to your parents that your hair will look untidy in the awkward stage, and once it becomes long enough to tie back in a ponytail the result will be much neater looking. Ask them to give you a chance to prove it. Sometimes though, it's not such a bad idea to trim the back of your hair to allow the bangs and top to catch up. Nonetheless, do what you feel is right and inform your parents that they should respect your choice.
Re: Please, I need advice
Posted by Depressed on January 10, 2002 at 14:25:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: Please, I need advice posted by Santiago on January 09, 2002 at 23:46:54:
I agree that you should explain to your parents that getting a trim in the back won't make your hair look neater, it will just make it look untidy longer. Just tell them that as soon as it's long enough, you'll get the back trimmed so as to make it even with the rest, and it will look much better then.
What do you mean by postponing the straightening? What type of straightening do you mean?
: This is a big problem. Just when I thought I had talked my parents into accepting my already somewhat long looking (at least for some) hair, and growing it further, pressure for a "fixing" on the back is becomming stronger, I don't want to cut any hair at all, but I need to make the back look tidy (very easy for curly hair in the awckward stage, lol). I really think that after almost 8 months I'm way past the half point in the awckward stage, and I want to keep all my hair. Also my mother today freaked out when she saw I was seriously aiming for pony tail length (I think she thought I wasn't serious). She said she doesn't want me on a pony and said long hair is for affeminate guys. My dad does not agree, but doesn't get in the middle, and my momo won't force me either (I hope) But I need a way to keep things peaceful, I don't want to postpone my straightening and I dont want to loose inches. Any ideas? Thank you
Re: Please, I need advice
Posted by Straightening on January 10, 2002 at 15:38:16: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Please, I need advice posted by Depressed on January 10, 2002 at 14:25:50:
: What do you mean by postponing the straightening? What type of straightening do you mean?
I mean, instead of straightening now, I want to wait for my bangs to be long enough to tuck behind my ears, that way I won't spend 300 dollars in a japanese relaxer to switch from curly awckward to stright awckward. When I relax it I want to feel the hair on the top of my back which I won't if I trim now. Hopefully I'll grow those 4 iches in 4 months or less with the hairformula 37 I'm begining to take.
: : This is a big problem. Just when I thought I had talked my parents into accepting my already somewhat long looking (at least for some) hair, and growing it further, pressure for a "fixing" on the back is becomming stronger, I don't want to cut any hair at all, but I need to make the back look tidy (very easy for curly hair in the awckward stage, lol). I really think that after almost 8 months I'm way past the half point in the awckward stage, and I want to keep all my hair. Also my mother today freaked out when she saw I was seriously aiming for pony tail length (I think she thought I wasn't serious). She said she doesn't want me on a pony and said long hair is for affeminate guys. My dad does not agree, but doesn't get in the middle, and my momo won't force me either (I hope) But I need a way to keep things peaceful, I don't want to postpone my straightening and I dont want to loose inches. Any ideas? Thank you
Re: Please, I need advice
Posted by Hairy on January 10, 2002 at 16:31:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: Please, I need advice posted by Santiago on January 09, 2002 at 23:46:54:
: This is a big problem. Just when I thought I had talked my parents into accepting my already somewhat long looking (at least for some) hair, and growing it further, pressure for a "fixing" on the back is becomming stronger, I don't want to cut any hair at all, but I need to make the back look tidy (very easy for curly hair in the awckward stage, lol). I really think that after almost 8 months I'm way past the half point in the awckward stage, and I want to keep all my hair. Also my mother today freaked out when she saw I was seriously aiming for pony tail length (I think she thought I wasn't serious). She said she doesn't want me on a pony and said long hair is for affeminate guys. My dad does not agree, but doesn't get in the middle, and my momo won't force me either (I hope) But I need a way to keep things peaceful, I don't want to postpone my straightening and I dont want to loose inches. Any ideas? Thank you
Tell her that you are gay. That way she'll agree...long hair = effeminine men.
Obviously she'll know you are lying. But maybe it should shut her up (if she's homophobic).
Re: Please, I need advice
Posted by tock on January 10, 2002 at 20:18:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Please, I need advice posted by Hairy on January 10, 2002 at 16:31:59:
< s n i p >
: Tell her that you are gay. That way she'll agree...long hair = effeminine men.
: Obviously she'll know you are lying. But maybe it should shut her up (if she's homophobic).
Um, another approach is to hand her a local gay publication and show her that all the gay men in there have short hair. Then mention how your short hair makes you look like them, and tell her how much you don't want to look gay.
This approach should be good for a laugh, anyway . . .
Good luck,
Re: Please, I need advice
Posted by tock on January 10, 2002 at 20:19:29: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Please, I need advice posted by Hairy on January 10, 2002 at 16:31:59:
< s n i p >
: Tell her that you are gay. That way she'll agree...long hair = effeminine men.
: Obviously she'll know you are lying. But maybe it should shut her up (if she's homophobic).
Um, another approach is to hand her a local gay publication and show her that all the gay men in there have short hair. Then mention how your short hair makes you look like them, and tell her how much you don't want to look gay.
This approach should be good for a laugh, anyway . . .
Good luck,
Re: Please, I need advice
Posted by tock on January 10, 2002 at 20:10:41: Previous Next
In Reply to: Please, I need advice posted by Santiago on January 09, 2002 at 23:46:54:
< s n i p >
She said she doesn't want me on a pony and said long hair is for affeminate guys.
Good heavens . . . she doesn't get around much, does she?
Well, show her a picture of Captain Morgan at (a website dedicated to some sort of spiced rum) and some of the contempoary TV wrestlers. If that doesn't do it, get one of those big family bibles, and show her the pictures of all the guys in the bible with long hair. Oh yeah.
If that doesn't work, try the pics of Sir Isaac Newton at
or Buffalo Bill Cody, or General George Custer, or hand her a stack of romance novels and ask her if those long-haired guys on the cover smooching those anxious babes look "effiminate."
If appealing to her sense of reason in this way doesn't work, well, she's got some sort of emotional thing about you having long hair, and maybe someone else can help you with that . . .
Good luck,
Re: Please, I need advice
Posted by Reflective on January 10, 2002 at 20:18:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: Please, I need advice posted by Santiago on January 09, 2002 at 23:46:54:
Actually, long hair is extreemly rare in the gay community as the vast majority of gays wear their hair very short. Take your parents to see Lord of the Rings so that they can see that long hair really completes the masculine image.
Re: Please, I need advice
Posted by longhairedman on January 11, 2002 at 09:21:06: Previous Next
In Reply to: Please, I need advice posted by Santiago on January 09, 2002 at 23:46:54:
: Isn't equity a two way street, according to the women's lib movement? If a women/girl can wear her hair short or long, why can a man/boy? This doesn't sound like equity like me (and wouldn't you know it, its your mom who is trying to push you back to the stoneages). Now we know which sex is the most sexist and big egoed--the female!!! And by the way, if you have a computer, just sample some of the gay guy sites----almost every guy featured has short hair!!!!! Keep it growing long (to distance yourself from all of those short haired girly earing wearing gay guys).