First pony....good. But in crisis.
Posted by Santiago on June 14, 2002 at 21:41:42: Previous Next
Today I dared to tie my hair in a pony to go bowling. Most of the people I know liked it. Very much. A lot of hairs don't reach the tie, but I slicked with gel. Now the thing is, a friend's father wants to get me a job as a car salesman. I want the job, I could earn at least 2,000 a month. But he asked me to cut my hair for the interviw. I REALLY need the money, but another guy that is growing his hair, saw mine and told me, "now that you're there, I'll kill you if you cut. Please help.
keep it long
Posted by Dave on June 14, 2002 at 22:27:30: Previous Next
In Reply to: First pony....good. But in crisis. posted by Santiago on June 14, 2002 at 21:41:42:
keep it long, as he's only *suggesting* you cut it, not ordering you to. for the interview, dress very nicely and make sure your hair is very clean (freshly washed, shampooed and conditioned) - do you have any straightening irons? I'll bet if you got it silky smooth, clean and ironed it straight, tied in a fasionable ponytail, it would look fine. It might even give him a lasting impression of something to remember you by.
Re: First pony....good. But in crisis.
Posted by Robert on June 14, 2002 at 22:48:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: First pony....good. But in crisis. posted by Santiago on June 14, 2002 at 21:41:42:
Keep your hair if you like it. On the day of the interview, make sure that it is in pony tail with all loose hairs gelled in place. Dress professionally (find out what that means in the business--coat and tie?), and go in with the mindset that hair is not an issue. I interviewed for my current job in the middle of the awkward stage, not yet quite long enough to be in a pony tail. I apologized for my dishevelled look at the beginning of the interview (mentioned that I had just returned from a day long field trip with 250 teenagers in the woods!) with the attitude that it really was not an issue, and went on to have a wonderful interview. I got the job. Neither the interview nor the position were about my hair. It was about whether I was qualified for the position. I knew I was. That's all that counts. If they want to make it about anything else, then perhaps you don't want to work for this company. Keep perspective.
: Today I dared to tie my hair in a pony to go bowling. Most of the people I know liked it. Very much. A lot of hairs don't reach the tie, but I slicked with gel. Now the thing is, a friend's father wants to get me a job as a car salesman. I want the job, I could earn at least 2,000 a month. But he asked me to cut my hair for the interviw. I REALLY need the money, but another guy that is growing his hair, saw mine and told me, "now that you're there, I'll kill you if you cut. Please help.
Re: First pony....good. But in crisis.
Posted by Baldie the Eagle on June 14, 2002 at 23:38:45: Previous Next
In Reply to: First pony....good. But in crisis. posted by Santiago on June 14, 2002 at 21:41:42:
The others are right.
The ponytail isn't an issue, except to show that you are yourself. If they ask why you didn't cut it as 'suggested' say that it would have been dishonest to do so: with short hair you would be pretending to be somebody other than the person you really are.
Good luck!
Re: First pony....good. But in crisis.
Posted by tommy turbo on June 15, 2002 at 00:42:23: Previous Next
In Reply to: First pony....good. But in crisis. posted by Santiago on June 14, 2002 at 21:41:42:
As someone that has been throught this my self, don't do it you will regret it. I didn't cut my hair for the interview, but was black mailed into it about two months after I started, and I did have alot of bills at the time. I wish I hadn't, but it has grown back for the most part. I kicked my self for ever, and still do. YOU WILL HATE YOURSELF!
Re: First pony....good. But in crisis.
Posted by Reflective on June 17, 2002 at 21:31:45: Previous Next
In Reply to: First pony....good. But in crisis. posted by Santiago on June 14, 2002 at 21:41:42:
I worked as a car salesman for five years. It is a really really really really awful job. It will be such a shame if you cut your hair to get such an awful job.