What shall I do after the shower?

What shall I do after the shower?
Posted by Daerfindel on June 19, 2002 at 12:05:20: Previous Next

I'm 17 and i'm about 8 months now of growing the most wavy longhair you can imagine. The problem is that it have straighter sections too, and its very curly in the back, so i don't know exactly what style should i fit.
Anyway, it looks great sometimes, but the most of the time it looks like a LETTUCE!
So i think there is something that i'm doing wrong, and i think it has something to do with the shower.
What must I do after showering considering i'm wavyhaired? Should i comb just afterwards, or tie it, or let it? I don't know!
If someone can help may, i would really thank it.

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