What shall I do after the shower?
Posted by Daerfindel on June 19, 2002 at 12:05:20: Previous Next
I'm 17 and i'm about 8 months now of growing the most wavy longhair you can imagine. The problem is that it have straighter sections too, and its very curly in the back, so i don't know exactly what style should i fit.
Anyway, it looks great sometimes, but the most of the time it looks like a LETTUCE!
So i think there is something that i'm doing wrong, and i think it has something to do with the shower.
What must I do after showering considering i'm wavyhaired? Should i comb just afterwards, or tie it, or let it? I don't know!
If someone can help may, i would really thank it.
Re: What shall I do after the shower?
Posted by SixStringThing on June 19, 2002 at 13:16:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: What shall I do after the shower? posted by Daerfindel on June 19, 2002 at 12:05:20:
: I'm 17 and i'm about 8 months now of growing the most wavy longhair you can imagine. The problem is that it have straighter sections too, and its very curly in the back, so i don't know exactly what style should i fit.
: Anyway, it looks great sometimes, but the most of the time it looks like a LETTUCE!
: So i think there is something that i'm doing wrong, and i think it has something to do with the shower.
: What must I do after showering considering i'm wavyhaired? Should i comb just afterwards, or tie it, or let it? I don't know!
: If someone can help may, i would really thank it.
Hey, im also 17, 8 months of growing and have very wavy hair but it's straight in some areas! I thought i was the only one that had to go through this hell lol. I just comb it after I shower then wear a hat for about thirty minutes or so b/c my hair goes pretty crazy when it's wet so this flattens it out, then I take the hat off and I'm set.
Re: What shall I do after the shower?
Posted by daerfindel on June 20, 2002 at 06:51:11: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: What shall I do after the shower? posted by SixStringThing on June 19, 2002 at 13:16:01:
: Hey, im also 17, 8 months of growing and have very wavy hair but it's straight in some areas! I thought i was the only one that had to go through this hell lol. I just comb it after I shower then wear a hat for about thirty minutes or so b/c my hair goes pretty crazy when it's wet so this flattens it out, then I take the hat off and I'm set.
Hey, nice to know someone with similar har.
I'll try your advice, but, in's it bad for hair to comb it when it's wet?
Re: What shall I do after the shower?
Posted by S-17 on June 20, 2002 at 08:05:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: What shall I do after the shower? posted by daerfindel on June 20, 2002 at 06:51:11:
: : Hey, im also 17, 8 months of growing and have very wavy hair but it's straight in some areas! I thought i was the only one that had to go through this hell lol. I just comb it after I shower then wear a hat for about thirty minutes or so b/c my hair goes pretty crazy when it's wet so this flattens it out, then I take the hat off and I'm set.
Hey i do exactly the same thing and i have the same hair. weird
Re: What shall I do after the shower?
Posted by SixStringThing on June 20, 2002 at 13:08:47: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: What shall I do after the shower? posted by daerfindel on June 20, 2002 at 06:51:11:
: Hey, nice to know someone with similar har.
: I'll try your advice, but, in's it bad for hair to comb it when it's wet?
I haven't had any problems combing hair when wet as long as I do it gently and use a wide-tooth comb.
Re: What shall I do after the shower?
Posted by Bill on June 20, 2002 at 21:24:49: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: What shall I do after the shower? posted by SixStringThing on June 20, 2002 at 13:08:47:
: : Hey, nice to know someone with similar har.
: : I'll try your advice, but, in's it bad for hair to comb it when it's wet?
: I haven't had any problems combing hair when wet as long as I do it gently and use a wide-tooth comb.
If you have really curly hair, the only time you CAN comb it is when it is wet. If you comb it dry, it will fight you to the point you can damage it, and it will look all frizzy when you're done to voice its displeasure. :-) On the other hand, if you comb it while it is wet, it will dry into curls that all stick together and give you a much more compact, neater looking mane. Also, curls look a lot better than frizz.
Re: What shall I do after the shower?
Posted by Saul on June 20, 2002 at 06:18:06: Previous Next
In Reply to: What shall I do after the shower? posted by Daerfindel on June 19, 2002 at 12:05:20:
: Anyway, it looks great sometimes, but the most of the time it looks like a LETTUCE!
What, green and crunchy?! :-)
Anyhow, you are not alone. I think most of us have gone through this phase at some point. Your options are:
1 - slick it down with gloop.
2 - Follow SixStringThing's idea and wear a hat till it calms down
3 - Just stop looking in thwe mirror/caring about it.
In my case I found option 1 didn't do wonders for my hair. Option 2 is out because all hats make me look like I just had a lobotomy. So, I learned to live with option 3 - it's easy!
Trust me, it passes. I began growing my hair out (from a 0 crop) 18 months ago: sometime around the 9 month mark it suddenly began to behave itself a bit. I still have another 18 months to go before it'll be at the length I want.
So, hang in there and keep on smiling (you, too, SixStingThing) coz it doesn't last forever.
Saul (in sunny London Town)
Re: What shall I do after the shower?
Posted by Daerfindel on June 20, 2002 at 06:56:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: What shall I do after the shower? posted by Saul on June 20, 2002 at 06:18:06:
: : Anyway, it looks great sometimes, but the most of the time it looks like a LETTUCE!
: What, green and crunchy?! :-)
The only difference between my hair and a lettuce is the color. All the other attributes are similar :-)
: Anyhow, you are not alone. I think most of us have gone through this phase at some point. Your options are:
: 1 - slick it down with gloop.
: 2 - Follow SixStringThing's idea and wear a hat till it calms down
: 3 - Just stop looking in thwe mirror/caring about it.
: In my case I found option 1 didn't do wonders for my hair. Option 2 is out because all hats make me look like I just had a lobotomy. So, I learned to live with option 3 - it's easy!
Thanks, man.