Conditioners... Rinse thoroughly?

Conditioners... Rinse thoroughly?
Posted by Timon on June 19, 2002 at 22:48:56: Previous Next

My hair is always very dry, and I dont seem to benefit from conditioners at all. I dont know if I'm not using them right or what. First of all all the conditioners I own say in the directions to rinse them off thoroughly after treatment. Are you suposed to remove all the residue from it, or is it better to leave some of it. It seems that when I condition, my hair feels great while wet, but then when it drys it has no oil left whatsoever, looking dry and damaged and unmanagable. I only shampoo once every two weeks by the way. Also, I tend to conditon in the afternoon so I can leave it on for a long time, but that doesnt seem to help either. Anyone have any suggestions? Am I trying to make something out of nothing? I think that any hair should benefit from conditioning but I dont know. I am always gentle with it while drying, and I've never dyed it or used any chemicals on it, yet it still gets dry and damaged.

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