School Swimming Requiremnt

School Swimming Requiremnt
Posted by JT on June 21, 2002 at 01:16:03: Previous Next

I'm not much of a fan of swimming, and dont if I dont have to, however in school you are required to participate in swimming activities to pass gym class..And You have to pass gym class in order to graduate. Talk about two dumb rules. Anyway since I am forced to it, what actions can I take to avoid damaging my hair (keep in mind this is at school, I can't be constantly applying conditioners or anything). My hair is also color treated, so it is already damaged enough. Not to mention I dont want to end up with discoloration. Last year, the clorine wreaked total havoc on my hair, I had to lose about 3 inches to the scissors. I hear that damping the hair with tapwater before swimming can help. Thats about as much as i can do besides rinsing off the clorine afterwards in the showers. Luckily, it is the last period of the day so I can do whatever I need at home after that. If I deep condition at home afterwards, should that help a lot with avoiding damage? I dont know what else would be possible, but I figured I'd try and get more suggestions.

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