Longhair Trends, work, and other stuff

Longhair Trends, work, and other stuff
Posted by Tommy Turbo on June 22, 2002 at 00:38:43: Previous Next

Sorry It is Long Post. Anyway I am updating on what I have noticed here, and at work in my situation.

I have noticed a few things lately. The first is that I have slowly been noticing longer hair, more than usuall, in my part of the world. Although not a huge percentage of the population, even more around the area were I work, which is heavily dominated by conformist military types (I work on air force base). They are obviously government contracters like myself, not military. But some have some pretty good length. Unfortunatly the Supershort "trendy boy" look is still the dominant style, YUCK!

Second Alot of my male coworkers have been wondering about my hair. It is just past my shoulders now, I can finally put it up again, but a few years ago it was past my butt. That is what I'm aiming for again. Any way most of these guys are baby boomers age group, and they all keep saying "i use to have long hair too" They have actually been cool about it. I'm only 24 so I am a little suprised they haven't given me a bad time about it. I am suprised how much suport I have gotten from them since I have been very verbal letting evryone know about how my boss, (what a jerk) blackmailed me into cutting it.

The thing I noticed is that it seems like at one point every one has tried their hair long, but they all end up conforming, (conformity ICK!) to the short cut hair. I have seen a few pictures, some just shock me.

I usually suggest they grow it back, since some of them say they want to again, but then they act confused and bewildered, and just say they don't worry about it, or that it is too late. It sounds like a lot of my co workers are closet longhairs, just wanting to grow out again.

I did have one good laugh though. I had to go to a meeting that was led by a group of military guys. All had the same ugly short hair and same camoflauged clothes. You get the idea. MAssive Conformity! Any way he says "we're (implying the military)trying to break the stereotype of the big conformist military machine, and bring some individuality into it." I just about feel out of my chair laughing at such a comment. One look at them as a group and you know it is a bunch of hot air.

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