my hair

my hair
Posted by Mudtallica on June 26, 2002 at 07:47:12: Previous Next

Hey everyone!

I have hair that's a bit past my shoulders, but it's quite dry, thick and never just "hangs". It looks good when it's wet, but when it's dry, it becomes wavy and for lack of a better word, "poofy", and looks shorter than it actually is. Any ideas of how I can better control it without using tons of chemicals or cutting it? I've had long hair since I was about 14. (I'm 40 now)

And for those of you who think you can't get a job with long hair: I'm a full time firefighter. As long as I keep it pulled back in a pony tail, there have been no problems. Comments YES, problems no. So it CAN be done. Be who you are and show you can do your job competantly and hair will be a non-issue for the most part.

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