OT: washing jeans

OT: washing jeans
Posted by Steven W on June 26, 2002 at 08:25:11: Previous Next

I was told by one of my co-workers that the best way to wash jeans to minimize wear and fading was to turn them inside out when you wash them. I tried this a few times, but I can't do it if there is a spot on them or something that needs to be removed. I guess there's not enough agitation on the inside to remove it. Only time will tell though on how well my jeans will hold out. I usually get about 5 years out of a good pair of Levi's anyways, and I wear them to work too. I guess I've been lucky too that I haven't changed pants sizes since I was in high school

Anybody else ever heard of doing this, or had any results to say how good it works?

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