Were you ever called Jesus?
Posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00: Previous Next
Were you ever called Jesus? Once I had a picture on Internet (I lost it), then a guy that hates me called me Jesus. I found that very offensive and insulting. But after, I tought that it may be common for longhairs to be called Jesus. So maybe its not a big deal at all? Next time someone call me Jesus, I think I sould take it as a compliment.
Re: Were you ever called Jesus?
Posted by Forsen on June 27, 2002 at 21:49:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00:
Don't worry about it. I myself have not been call Jesus. I specialise in being mistaken for a female. Usually from behind. I'm learning to live with it as more often than not the person who makes the mistake apologises and is usually more embarrassed than me.
Just remember that Jesus is a person that lots of people try to emulate in thought and deed. John Lennon got a lot of it with his hair. I think that by wearing your hair long you are living your own life and making your own decisions.
This guy sees this and resents it. If he looked inside himself, he would see a man that is frightened and angry at the way he lives his life. It is easier for him to hate you than himself.
So take it as compliment.
Mistaken for a female
Posted by Remi on June 28, 2002 at 01:11:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Forsen on June 27, 2002 at 21:49:53:
You say that you're often mistaken for a female from behind. What happens exactly? Do other guys tell something to you or something?
Re: Mistaken for a female
Posted by Frank on June 28, 2002 at 09:15:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: Mistaken for a female posted by Remi on June 28, 2002 at 01:11:31:
: You say that you're often mistaken for a female from behind. What happens exactly? Do other guys tell something to you or something?
Once when my wife and I were in a restaurant, the waitress brought us drinks and said they were from "the gentleman at the bar." It actually took me a minute to figure out why he had done this -- he could only see me from behind. When the waitress came back, I said, "I don't want to embarass him, but he thinks I'm a woman, doesn't he?" Trying not to laugh, she admitted that yeah, he did, in fact he thought we were sisters.
But overall this has been rare for me. Maybe because I'm 6'2" and about as uncurvey as a human can be.
Re: Were you ever called Jesus?
Posted by Robert on June 27, 2002 at 22:17:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00:
Yes! Even before I grew long hair. I have always had a beard or goatee, and students of mine often enough commented that I "looked like Jesus". I think I just have the face that fits the European-American typical paintings of Jesus. I do not look middle-eastern, so its a cultural thing. Often students say this to me on a test day, so their supplications for help and calling me Jesus seem to coincide! Now, with shoulder-blade length hair I can see what people are thinking when they look at me. Why would anybody consider this an insult? I think it's kind of neat.
: Were you ever called Jesus? Once I had a picture on Internet (I lost it), then a guy that hates me called me Jesus. I found that very offensive and insulting. But after, I tought that it may be common for longhairs to be called Jesus. So maybe its not a big deal at all? Next time someone call me Jesus, I think I sould take it as a compliment.
Re: Were you ever called Jesus?
Posted by Timothy on June 27, 2002 at 23:46:22: Previous Next
In Reply to: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00:
Several months ago my business partner started calling me "Probate Jesus" as we do a fair amount of work in the legal system and I am often in court / probate court - hence the name. It's OK by me.
: Were you ever called Jesus? Once I had a picture on Internet (I lost it), then a guy that hates me called me Jesus. I found that very offensive and insulting. But after, I tought that it may be common for longhairs to be called Jesus. So maybe its not a big deal at all? Next time someone call me Jesus, I think I sould take it as a compliment.
Re: Were you ever called Jesus?
Posted by Madoc on June 28, 2002 at 02:27:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00:
Only all too often!
And when you combine that with my last name being Pope, things really do run together!
I will still get the "jesus" bit from strangers but most of the folks who have seen me a couple of times now have managed to get over it. I say most folks because there is still one lady down here in San Diego who thinks it all the laugh to keep the "jesus" bit going on - and this after about two or three years of my hair being long enough to have that image. Her joke was old the first time she said it and after this many years of repeating it, well, let's just say that it's gotten more than tired!
Still though, I do like playing around with the whole religion thing. Just look at the name of my Website. It's a pity they don't still do Indulgences anymore for I think I could really clean up if they did!
The picture here, by the way, is from my company ID!
Keepin' it Long!
: Were you ever called Jesus? Once I had a picture on Internet (I lost it), then a guy that hates me called me Jesus. I found that very offensive and insulting. But after, I tought that it may be common for longhairs to be called Jesus. So maybe its not a big deal at all? Next time someone call me Jesus, I think I sould take it as a compliment.
Jesus with a Goatee?
Posted by Draco on June 28, 2002 at 17:39:22: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Madoc on June 28, 2002 at 02:27:39:
: Ack!
: Only all too often!
: And when you combine that with my last name being Pope, things really do run together!
: I will still get the "jesus" bit from strangers but most of the folks who have seen me a couple of times now have managed to get over it. I say most folks because there is still one lady down here in San Diego who thinks it all the laugh to keep the "jesus" bit going on - and this after about two or three years of my hair being long enough to have that image. Her joke was old the first time she said it and after this many years of repeating it, well, let's just say that it's gotten more than tired!
: Still though, I do like playing around with the whole religion thing. Just look at the name of my Website. It's a pity they don't still do Indulgences anymore for I think I could really clean up if they did!
Madoc is a staunch supporter of a private citizen's right to own a pun!-)
: The picture here, by the way, is from my company ID!
: Keepin' it Long!
Another few months, and it might cover the nipple, provided that it doesn't curl at terminal length!
: Madoc
In fact, he even looks like Jesus with just a goatee instead of a full beard! He doesn't seem satanic even with the goatee, despite what I may have said to the contrary! [Sorry about that!] Now, what would Jesus look like with a goatee?
Many Times!
Posted by Rokker on June 28, 2002 at 08:32:23: Previous Next
In Reply to: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00:
I wanted to post a pic, but the size limit wouldn't allow it.
I can't even begin to say how many times I've been called Jesus. I have the same features and all.
And Madoc...I can see why people would say that to you.
Re: Many Times!
Posted by RedRocker on July 04, 2002 at 05:29:22: Previous Next
In Reply to: Many Times! posted by Rokker on June 28, 2002 at 08:32:23:
I have to agree. Madoc -- are you actually Jesus?
At times when my beard is longer...
Posted by Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00:
I live in one of Cologne's redneck quarters, so the guys here around usually wear those ugly proto-fascist buzzcuts and are quite contemptuous about longhairs, especially bearded ones... similar experiences I've made in the local gay scene, where long hair is at least as out of fashion like among the rednecks, and those stupid "Jesus!!!" remarks were definitely not meant as a compliment, their undertone was unmistakable...
See you in Khyberspace!
Remember the Bible never says Jesus...
Posted by Guitartate on June 28, 2002 at 11:28:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00:
The pictures we see of Jesus were just conceptions of what an artist considers angelic. We know from the Bible it says actually Jesus had hair of wool. Meaning curly and thick. Not long. But I am a Christian with long hair. Because it doesn't say you can't grow your hair long either. And don't listen to the people who try to determine from Corinthians that you can't grow it long. Paul never says that. Thanks for the lending ear. God Bless.
Re: Remember the Bible never says Jesus...
Posted by Alex on June 28, 2002 at 13:56:52: Previous Next
In Reply to: Remember the Bible never says Jesus... posted by Guitartate on June 28, 2002 at 11:28:53:
: The pictures we see of Jesus were just conceptions of what an artist considers angelic. We know from the Bible it says actually Jesus had hair of wool. Meaning curly and thick. Not long. But I am a Christian with long hair. Because it doesn't say you can't grow your hair long either. And don't listen to the people who try to determine from Corinthians that you can't grow it long. Paul never says that. Thanks for the lending ear. God Bless.
: Guitartate
I am also Christian and very confused about the hair issue. Im growing my hair out because I know one day Im gonna lose it so I see no problem with it. Maybe the Bible means dont focus on just your long hair and worship it. You know?
Re: Were you ever called Jesus?
Posted by Hair Religion on June 28, 2002 at 11:31:00: Previous Next
In Reply to: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00:
Yes, it was the way that my Christian grandmother found to deal with one of her beloved grandsons growing up to have long hair "like the hippies". It's sort of like the blob, if there is something they don't like but have to live with anyway then they will eventually just absorb it and make it their own (example: every holiday).
Suffice to say that this view comes entirely from the one famous picture of Jesus that an artist painted in more modern times and which you see everywhere. Strange how people come to accept things like that as fact. Now if you ask some fundamentalist Christians, they'll tell you that Jesus in fact could not have had long hair as "god" hates long hair, so I suppose they would not ever see the resemblance.
Anyway, now my hair has gotten way longer than any depiction of Jesus so I am safe from being compared to him anymore.
Re: Were you ever called Jesus?
Posted by longhair43 on June 28, 2002 at 12:33:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00:
Interesting, I've been aiming at the whole "Jesus Look" this whole time... when i grow a beard this fall, the look will be complete! I hope someone calls me Jesus....then I will have succeeded!!!
No, I'm not some nutcase that thinks he's Jesus, I just dig the look.
And what higher compliment could someone give me? I mean, son of God, the guy who's words are in red in the bible?? What could be a more perfect compliment than "you look like Jesus", even if it is our western "white guy" picture that everyone is thinking of...
(thinking of starting a "you look like jesus" website...or maybe a contest on here....so far, tho, Madoc wins hands down.)
I played his part in church musicals!!!!
Posted by Steven W on June 28, 2002 at 15:24:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00:
Does that count? Also played a shepard one time too. I didn't find it insulting at all, and really enjoyed it! I thought it was rather flattering that someone thought I looked like the person the church is based on! Normally I'm working audio-visual from behind the scenes, but have been up on the stage a few times lately.
Steven W
: Were you ever called Jesus? Once I had a picture on Internet (I lost it), then a guy that hates me called me Jesus. I found that very offensive and insulting. But after, I tought that it may be common for longhairs to be called Jesus. So maybe its not a big deal at all? Next time someone call me Jesus, I think I sould take it as a compliment.
Re: Were you ever called Jesus?
Posted by Lhhusker on June 28, 2002 at 16:55:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00:
I get that comment all the time, and I take it as a compliment. What better person to be compared to?
In fact, I dressed as Jesus for a Halloween party last year. I wore a white robe and sandals, carried a wooden staff in one hand, and a stuffed lamb in the other. At first I had questions whether it would be sacreligious, but I was respectful, and did it in clean fun. It was hilarious when I got my picture taken with someone dressed as the devil!
: Were you ever called Jesus? Once I had a picture on Internet (I lost it), then a guy that hates me called me Jesus. I found that very offensive and insulting. But after, I tought that it may be common for longhairs to be called Jesus. So maybe its not a big deal at all? Next time someone call me Jesus, I think I sould take it as a compliment.
Re: Were you ever called Jesus?
Posted by Lhhusker on June 28, 2002 at 17:06:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00:
I get that comment all the time, and I take it as a compliment. What better person to be compared to?
In fact, I dressed as Jesus for a Halloween party last year. I wore a white robe and sandals, carried a wooden staff in one hand, and a stuffed lamb in the other. At first I had questions whether it would be sacreligious, but I was respectful, and did it in clean fun. It was hilarious when I got my picture taken with someone dressed as the devil!
: Were you ever called Jesus? Once I had a picture on Internet (I lost it), then a guy that hates me called me Jesus. I found that very offensive and insulting. But after, I tought that it may be common for longhairs to be called Jesus. So maybe its not a big deal at all? Next time someone call me Jesus, I think I sould take it as a compliment.
Re: Were you ever called Jesus?
Posted by Ken on June 29, 2002 at 09:27:46: Previous Next
In Reply to: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00:
Yes. When I was a junior in high school and my hair nearly touched my waist and I wore knee high platform boots (it WAS the '70's, LOL) my Mother used to say ... "You look like Jesus!" My father used to call me "Katherine"!
Re: Were you ever called Jesus?
Posted by Nick on June 29, 2002 at 09:45:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00:
: Were you ever called Jesus?
Often enough to not being able to count how many times.
Not only do I have long hair and beard, but my usual attire contribute to this. From March/April to October I go barefoot and I wear shorts and sleeveless shirts (or no shirt at all if it's warmer than 15C / 60F); during the winter season I wear sandals and jeans and I go always with bare arms, even in sub-freezing temperatures.
The fact that I am overweight and ride a bicycle does not seem to be a deterrent to bypassers making these remarks...
Fred Flintstone?
Posted by Multi HMX-12 on July 14, 2002 at 15:25:30: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Nick on June 29, 2002 at 09:45:40:
You describe yourself as "barefoot, wear sleeveless shirts, and are overweight" an image that fits no description of Jesus I have ever seen nor read.
From your description of yourself, you might look more like Fred Flintstone than Jesus.
Multi HMX-12
: : Were you ever called Jesus?
: Often enough to not being able to count how many times.
: Not only do I have long hair and beard, but my usual attire contribute to this. From March/April to October I go barefoot and I wear shorts and sleeveless shirts (or no shirt at all if it's warmer than 15C / 60F); during the winter season I wear sandals and jeans and I go always with bare arms, even in sub-freezing temperatures.
: The fact that I am overweight and ride a bicycle does not seem to be a deterrent to bypassers making these remarks...
: Nick
Re: Were you ever called Jesus?
Posted by RedRocker on July 04, 2002 at 05:25:45: Previous Next
In Reply to: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00:
No, but I had an interesting experience in junior college. A friend and I were walking to our next class (this was before I had really long hair). This guy came walking towards us. He had long hair, a short beard (and mustache). He was wearing a white robe that went down to his ankles.
This guy looked just like Jesus -- only he was carrying a backpack!!
That was a trip and a half. We just stood there half-amused and half-stunned!
That was one of the strangest things I've ever seen; pretty cool though!
Re: Were you ever called Jesus?
Posted by RedRocker on July 04, 2002 at 05:31:08: Previous Next
In Reply to: Were you ever called Jesus? posted by Remi on June 27, 2002 at 21:36:00:
Since I've seen the pic; I think Madoc has been to college when I was there!!