how to straighten your hair w/o damaging

how to straighten your hair w/o damaging
Posted by veronicamoxie on June 29, 2002 at 08:09:33: Previous Next

i knew a boi once with really really frizzy hair, who always straitened it out because it would have looked funny if he didnt. i think i had seen him once with his friz hair and it looked horrible - a big poofball of funkyness. he was a really really hot boi though and he had delicious hair after it was straightened. i saw him do it once and this is what he did:

he simply got a crimping iron, but instead of allowing it to sit in the same place long enough to form crimps, he would pull the hair through it to flatten it out. just in case you guys dont know what a crimping iron is... its this thing that gives you 80s hair (when you use it like it was meant to be used) - a contraption that looks like a big fat tong that plugs into the wall, and has bent metal sheets on the inside that fit together like wide teeth and heat up like a curling iron. come to think of it you could probably use a curling iron the same way.

i have really long hair - its almost down to my bottom. i noticed something interesting about it - which is that if i dont comb it or brush it after i take a shower and i just leave it all messed up from the rubbing with soap and conditioner, it will dry with lots of really cool curls in it (well the bottom half does anyhow, my hair is too long to be curly all over because its so heavy it weighs the top down). the curls will last for days and days - until i wash my hair again. i dont have to put anything in it. if i do comb it out after a shower it might get wavy, but there are no curls. and if i sit there with a blow dryer and comb it flat while drying it, it comes out perfectly strait and stays that way for days. i dont even need to do anything to it. i dont wash my hair every day i think that this is totally uneccessary - i wash it maybe once or twice a week. my hair is in absolutely wonderful condition and i think its because i dont wash it more than i need to. i bet if you did the wash it twice a week thing and blow dryed it strait after washing, it wouldnt dammage the hair.

my email address is in my first post if you really want it.

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