
Posted by veronicamoxie on June 29, 2002 at 07:56:26: Previous Next

i think the kendoll cut or other short cuts you might have had before growing it out would be to blame for all this mullet complaint i see on the board. if you grow short hair out, the hair on the front/top of your head is going to be shorter because the area of hair on your head is higher in the front than in the back. i see this all the time on guys who are trying to grow their hair out *whispers* and honestly it does look kinda dumb that way. just snip a little in the back every once in a while till it all gets the same length. *ends whispering* and im sure youve noticed that if its not totally even all the way across, some jerkoff is going to poke fun at it.

if you really want to send me email, the addy is in my first post.

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