female loves hair

female loves hair
Posted by veronicamoxie on June 29, 2002 at 07:53:03: Previous Next

good going guys. ever since i was 13 or 14 (im 22 now) ive had a serious thing for guys with long hair. i think that ken doll cut that everyone seems to have is the most horrible thing a person can do to themselves. ugh, the conformity and lack of creativity! hair is probably the most important thing to mess with if you want to create a look for yourself - simply going to the barber and getting the same thing everyone else has got without giving it a second thought is probably the worst way to make yourself look good. to me, short hair looks sad like something important has been severed. longer is much more natural - and more fun for me to play with. next time someone gives you a hard time tell em jesus had long hair or just tell them you keep it long because it gets you all the girls! :D hopefully itll shut them up.

if you really wanted my email address, i didnt put it in the form. sometimes people spider and grab the addys for spamming. its ladyravenhair(remove the stuff in parenthesis)@hotmail.com.

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