Posted by Barry on July 03, 2002 at 17:31:28: Previous Next
I am in my 40's and have been growing my hair for nearly a year, it's now just about shoulder length. Before it was quite short, a sort of overgrown short back and sides. There seem to be a lot more men with hair about the same length as mine, as if there was some kind of invisible consensus that began last year!
I was interested to see what the reactions would be to my hair. So far virtually nothing! Nobody has said anything about it at work, my partner says she preferred it shorter but accepts it. In general I percieve an air of disapproval from other men, nothing I can pinpoint, perhaps it's just me being paranoid. But I find I get a lot more 'looks' from girls, I feel like a teenager again! (I look quite young for my age). I value approval by females but I don't care much what other males think about me anyway!
My message is don't be put off, if you want to grow your hair, go for it, I say. The worst stage is when it just looks like you're overdue for a haircut. When it's obvious you're not going to have one it's easier to live with.
Re: Reactions
Posted by Zorba on July 03, 2002 at 18:33:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: Reactions posted by Barry on July 03, 2002 at 17:31:28:
:I was interested to see what the reactions would be to my hair. So far virtually nothing! Nobody has said anything about it at work, my partner says she preferred it shorter but accepts it. In general I percieve an air of disapproval from other men, nothing I can pinpoint, perhaps it's just me being paranoid. But I find I get a lot more 'looks' from girls, I feel like a teenager again! (I look quite young for my age). I value approval by females but I don't care much what other males think about me anyway!
You sound a lot like me - I started growing my hair at age 38, I'm 41 now, and my hair is to the bottom of my shoulderblades, where I maintain it.
My wife sounds like your partner, but she really 'got into it' when I pierced my ears on my 40th birthday!
Sometimes I feel the 'air of disapproval from other men', but I really don't give a rat's rump! I seek to define my own being, my own masculinity, and that's the way it should be. Anyone who would deny me this fundimental human right is guilty of one of the worst breaches of morality possible.
Enjoy your hair!
Re: Reactions
Posted by Reflective on July 03, 2002 at 21:00:52: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Reactions posted by Zorba on July 03, 2002 at 18:33:59:
And don't forget. For every guy who disapproves, there is another who sees you and wishes they had the guts to grow theirs out too!
Re: Reactions
Posted by Barry on July 04, 2002 at 16:07:58: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Reactions posted by Reflective on July 03, 2002 at 21:00:52:
: And don't forget. For every guy who disapproves, there is another who sees you and wishes they had the guts to grow theirs out too!
And for every guy with long hair there are at least 3 women with short hair!
Re: Reactions
Posted by Cactus Jack on July 04, 2002 at 17:11:57: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Reactions posted by Barry on July 04, 2002 at 16:07:58:
actually i think the most positive reactions come from women, my Girlfriend absolutly loves long hair and she thinks it's great i finally let mine grow
and alot of my friends think it looks good
on the other hand i have gotten the "you Look Like a Girl" comment before lol and unfortunitly alot of people in my emediate family are the more Conservative type so they think it's kinda strange and think i should cut it but i've never gotten any Completly nasty comments about it
Re: Reactions In Reply to: Reactions posted by Barry on July 03, 2002 at 17:31:28: : I am in my 40's and have been growing my hair for nearly a year, it's now just about shoulder length. Before it was quite short, a sort of overgrown short back and sides. There seem to be a lot more men with hair about the same length as mine, as if there was some kind of invisible consensus that began last year! Bill (F) Re: Reactions In Reply to: Reactions posted by Barry on July 03, 2002 at 17:31:28: It's odd, but there seems to be a quick "first reaction" to me when people see me, but then it's over. I'm in Indiana and there's pretty much a "clone" look here for young guys right now: buzzcut or shaved head, goatee,earring,tattoo. (or any combination of the above) So, I stand out a bit from this look, but I've noticed more and more younger guys growing their hair out. There seems to be some kind of "reactionary" thing happening because of the "cloning" of America, in that SOME people (that want to be different from the herd) choose to grow their hair long rather than adapt the above mentioned clonish look. Not that doing any of these things is a bad choice, they just don't want to look like the rest of the herd. Is there anyone out there under 30 without a tattoo still? :-) Re: Reactions In Reply to: Re: Reactions posted by longhair43 on July 04, 2002 at 09:36:42: I don't! And I don't have any piercings either! Re: Reactions In Reply to: Re: Reactions posted by Silverfire on July 04, 2002 at 09:49:48: Re: Reactions In Reply to: Re: Reactions posted by DavidF on July 04, 2002 at 20:59:02: me too! Re: Reactions In Reply to: Reactions posted by Barry on July 03, 2002 at 17:31:28: I am also in my 40s and started growing my hair out for the last year. My observations are very similar to yours.
Posted by Bill /a> on July 03, 2002 at 21:09:19:
: I was interested to see what the reactions would be to my hair. So far virtually nothing! Nobody has said anything about it at work, my partner says she preferred it shorter but accepts it. In general I percieve an air of disapproval from other men, nothing I can pinpoint, perhaps it's just me being paranoid. But I find I get a lot more 'looks' from girls, I feel like a teenager again! (I look quite young for my age). I value approval by females but I don't care much what other males think about me anyway!
just turned 47 and been growin my hair since September 1995. Its on my belt now and pretty much stays in a braid to keep some control to it. All I ever get anymore is admiration..professional man and a long hair to boot. keep on growin....
Posted by longhair43 on July 04, 2002 at 09:36:42: Previous Next
Posted by Silverfire on July 04, 2002 at 09:49:48: Previous Next
*basks in the warm glow of being a rebel against society while not being a 'rebel' at all*
Posted by DavidF on July 04, 2002 at 20:59:02: Previous Next
: I don't! And I don't have any piercings either!
: *basks in the warm glow of being a rebel against society while not being a 'rebel' at all*
Posted by DavidF on July 04, 2002 at 21:28:19: Previous Next
(no peircings, and i don't drink/smoke ! :)
isn't it great to rebel w/ out rebelling... ;)
: : I don't! And I don't have any piercings either!
: : *basks in the warm glow of being a rebel against society while not being a 'rebel' at all*
Posted by b.j. on July 06, 2002 at 20:14:17: Previous Next