Thanks for listening :)

Thanks for listening :)
Posted by Jin on July 04, 2002 at 21:25:40: Previous Next

Thanks to Treyn, John L., Robert and j.s. for listening to my complaints and everyone here to allowing me to sulk.

I understand all your messages and the thoughts you want to convey. I fully agree that I should have more control over my emotions instead of letting my emotions get the better of me. Yes, I do love my mum even after she (once and again), made insulting remarks on my long hair. But I'm just wondering how long more can I sustain such outbursts from her before my love for her start to fade. I'm just VERY WORRIED that this day MIGHT come.

For now, I'll be handling this matter to whatever my maturity takes me to, and I'll definitely be sure (at least currently) that she's STILL my mum and I STILL have love for her. After this episode, I cannot hope that she'll never bring this up again and I think the onus is on me to handle the situation in a different manner if it happens (that is, if I can keep my head).

Thanks for all the great and kind advice you've given me. You've all had made me feel childish and immature (although I'm ALREADY 27) and I think I've still got lots to learn in life.

Thank you very much :)))

With utmost appreciation,

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