another question

another question
Posted by Erik on July 05, 2002 at 03:01:35: Previous Next

this is another question wich poped into my mind the other day. Why in the military do they make the guys get short hair cutts like buzz cutt short and the women can keep no longer then shoulder i think hair as loong as theey where a pony tail. i dont understand this at all, i really was thinking about joining the military for a job later on down the road but i dont want to kloose my hair, i want to some how fight this, the military is declining me of being all i can be. i want to be a long haired guy and fight for this country, what is so hard about that. i know alot more people would join too if there wasent this crazy hair thing there. Well what the heck im only 17 or 16 somthing like that i got a few years to go befor i make the choice of joing and heck maybe by the time somthing will change, maybe a long haired guy president shall come in stand, i dont care what they where really for id just vote for him because he hasd long hair. im getting a little crazy now here, i think this bordom is driving me nuts. Well id see you folks around

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