check this page out
Posted by Rick on July 04, 2002 at 03:26:44: Previous Next
Check this guys page and what he has to say about Jesus and long hair etc. Send him your thoughts. I did. Sounds like an idiot. Read the part where he says a parent should punish their child if their hair is to long.
Here's what I wrote back to this guy:
Posted by longhair43 on July 04, 2002 at 09:22:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: check this page out posted by Rick on July 04, 2002 at 03:26:44:
Here's my letter to him:
I've read your page on Christianity and long hair.
I'm wondering what you think of the Neo-nazi movement and their shaved heads and crew cuts? They certainly have become a symbol of bigotry and violence, yet you say we should have short hair. How will we then be identified as Christians? How would a casual observer be able to tell the difference?
Simply put: They wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
You've quoted scripture:
>They obviously ignore such passages as Matthew 5:16 where our Lord admonishes us, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father Which is in Heaven."
How can you twist this to mean men should have short hair? It is simply saying that we are to do GOOD WORKS and be examples of Christs teachings. Let your light shine means be Christ-like in word and deed. It has nothing to do with hair or appearance.
The hippie movement (was there really such a thing?) is kind of dead, it ended in the 70's. Flower power is dead as well. These were trite, simple ideas that held a small sway over very few for a short time. Is this writing of yours out of some pamphlet from the 70's?
It's obvious that you have an agenda. It is an old one, but an agenda just the same. It's sad that you think a mans hair length is this important, rather than concentrating on his heart or words or deeds.
Hair has had many lengths for men throughout history. Just because you happen to have grown up in a time when it was short, you'd like to control the rest of the nation and have us all follow suit. I find that sort of controlist thinking very much along the lines of communism and fascism. Yet you seem to be a patriot...
You say:
>With discipline and, if needs be, punishment, see to it that as he grows up he uses his hair as a symbol of patriotism and Christianity...
Did you somehow totally forget that our founding fathers had longer hair? They even wore powdered wigs during meetings or in public. Many of these had hair past the shoulder. Paul Revere himself had a pony tail! Were these men not patriots? England still uses these types of wigs in their court system. Are these men sinners?
During the middle ages, some of the best Christian kings and men of God had long hair as did men of various time periods, and many were good, honest Christian men.
It's sad that you have let yourself be hung-up on this issue. As a Christian, I find it deplorable that you would advise parents to punish their children for wanting a long hair style. I'm sure you might think it a sin, but I would defend to the death the ideal that God does not care about our outward appearance and knows each of us by our word and deed and hearts.
What is in your heart, brother? Mass control or freedom of religion?
Keith J. Hampton
Re: Here's what I wrote back to this guy:
Posted by mjtoo on July 04, 2002 at 10:10:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: Here's what I wrote back to this guy: posted by longhair43 on July 04, 2002 at 09:22:15:
you are well-versed and articulate. thank you for presenting an intelligent letter to him. as a Christian who has always loved long hair, i find your words to be well-presented.
thanks for being a strong light in a very dark and often scary world.
in Christ,
: Here's my letter to him:
: I've read your page on Christianity and long hair.
: I'm wondering what you think of the Neo-nazi movement and their shaved heads and crew cuts? They certainly have become a symbol of bigotry and violence, yet you say we should have short hair. How will we then be identified as Christians? How would a casual observer be able to tell the difference?
: Simply put: They wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
: You've quoted scripture:
: >They obviously ignore such passages as Matthew 5:16 where our Lord admonishes us, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father Which is in Heaven."
: How can you twist this to mean men should have short hair? It is simply saying that we are to do GOOD WORKS and be examples of Christs teachings. Let your light shine means be Christ-like in word and deed. It has nothing to do with hair or appearance.
: The hippie movement (was there really such a thing?) is kind of dead, it ended in the 70's. Flower power is dead as well. These were trite, simple ideas that held a small sway over very few for a short time. Is this writing of yours out of some pamphlet from the 70's?
: It's obvious that you have an agenda. It is an old one, but an agenda just the same. It's sad that you think a mans hair length is this important, rather than concentrating on his heart or words or deeds.
: Hair has had many lengths for men throughout history. Just because you happen to have grown up in a time when it was short, you'd like to control the rest of the nation and have us all follow suit. I find that sort of controlist thinking very much along the lines of communism and fascism. Yet you seem to be a patriot...
: You say:
: >With discipline and, if needs be, punishment, see to it that as he grows up he uses his hair as a symbol of patriotism and Christianity...
: Did you somehow totally forget that our founding fathers had longer hair? They even wore powdered wigs during meetings or in public. Many of these had hair past the shoulder. Paul Revere himself had a pony tail! Were these men not patriots? England still uses these types of wigs in their court system. Are these men sinners?
: During the middle ages, some of the best Christian kings and men of God had long hair as did men of various time periods, and many were good, honest Christian men.
: It's sad that you have let yourself be hung-up on this issue. As a Christian, I find it deplorable that you would advise parents to punish their children for wanting a long hair style. I'm sure you might think it a sin, but I would defend to the death the ideal that God does not care about our outward appearance and knows each of us by our word and deed and hearts.
: What is in your heart, brother? Mass control or freedom of religion?
: Keith J. Hampton
Posted by Anon on July 04, 2002 at 19:49:00: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Here's what I wrote back to this guy: posted by mjtoo on July 04, 2002 at 10:10:34:
There is simply one, obvious thing longhairs can say that completely disproves what this ignorant, opinionated man said. If he thinks that "long hair is bad on men" and "God says men shouldn't have long hair"... well then ask him to answer this:
"If it's true that God says man should not have long hair and if it's true that God made man, then why can man's hair grow long?"
Why doesn't it get to a certain length then just fall out? If it is true that God made man and God wanted man to have short hair, then surely he would MAKE hair fall out before it got long! The whole point of males being ABLE to grow long hair shows that God obviously wanted men to CHOOSE how they have their hair.
I don't have this nutter's e-mail address but send that to him and tell him to stick it in his pipe and smoke it!
Don't waste your time...
Posted by Zorba on July 04, 2002 at 10:17:02: Previous Next
In Reply to: Here's what I wrote back to this guy: posted by longhair43 on July 04, 2002 at 09:22:15:
Don't waste your time...
This particular sermon is old news, I've seen it elsewhere in several places on the 'net.
I've recently come to the long, slow conclusion, that people like this are guilty of one of the worst breaches of morality possible. Those that would dictate cultural absolutism on everyone else, deny us our GOD/GODS/GODDESS given rights to define ourselves are flat immoral.
Although I'm not a Christian, I can tell you this: People like this have hijacked a noble religion, to paraphrase our president. These kinds of people are the American equivilant of the Taliban - to be decried, and pointed out at every opportunity, but never, ever to be argued with. You think what happened in Afghanistan couldn't happen here? The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!
I'll get off my soapbox now...
Re: Don't waste your time...
Posted by Robert on July 04, 2002 at 19:01:29: Previous Next
In Reply to: Don't waste your time... posted by Zorba on July 04, 2002 at 10:17:02:
I agree. It is sad. We accuse the intolerant of other religions and countries and don't see the intolerance as it comes out of our American mouths. On Sept. 12 of this past year, a colleague of mine went into a tirade about doing away with all Muslims. When she finished she said: look at the time. I've got to go. We are having a prayer service at church tonight for the victims of the World Trade Towers.
My mouth fell open. What is left to say to someone like this?
: Don't waste your time...
: This particular sermon is old news, I've seen it elsewhere in several places on the 'net.
: I've recently come to the long, slow conclusion, that people like this are guilty of one of the worst breaches of morality possible. Those that would dictate cultural absolutism on everyone else, deny us our GOD/GODS/GODDESS given rights to define ourselves are flat immoral.
: Although I'm not a Christian, I can tell you this: People like this have hijacked a noble religion, to paraphrase our president. These kinds of people are the American equivilant of the Taliban - to be decried, and pointed out at every opportunity, but never, ever to be argued with. You think what happened in Afghanistan couldn't happen here? The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!
: I'll get off my soapbox now...
: -Zorba
Re: Here's what I wrote back to this guy:
Posted by Robert on July 04, 2002 at 18:57:47: Previous Next
In Reply to: Here's what I wrote back to this guy: posted by longhair43 on July 04, 2002 at 09:22:15:
Well put. Unfortunately, folks like this often don't hear very thoughtul, sensitive, wise words like yours. I hope he does. Thanks for taking the time to offer him some additional perspective.
: Here's my letter to him:
: I've read your page on Christianity and long hair.
: I'm wondering what you think of the Neo-nazi movement and their shaved heads and crew cuts? They certainly have become a symbol of bigotry and violence, yet you say we should have short hair. How will we then be identified as Christians? How would a casual observer be able to tell the difference?
: Simply put: They wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
: You've quoted scripture:
: >They obviously ignore such passages as Matthew 5:16 where our Lord admonishes us, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father Which is in Heaven."
: How can you twist this to mean men should have short hair? It is simply saying that we are to do GOOD WORKS and be examples of Christs teachings. Let your light shine means be Christ-like in word and deed. It has nothing to do with hair or appearance.
: The hippie movement (was there really such a thing?) is kind of dead, it ended in the 70's. Flower power is dead as well. These were trite, simple ideas that held a small sway over very few for a short time. Is this writing of yours out of some pamphlet from the 70's?
: It's obvious that you have an agenda. It is an old one, but an agenda just the same. It's sad that you think a mans hair length is this important, rather than concentrating on his heart or words or deeds.
: Hair has had many lengths for men throughout history. Just because you happen to have grown up in a time when it was short, you'd like to control the rest of the nation and have us all follow suit. I find that sort of controlist thinking very much along the lines of communism and fascism. Yet you seem to be a patriot...
: You say:
: >With discipline and, if needs be, punishment, see to it that as he grows up he uses his hair as a symbol of patriotism and Christianity...
: Did you somehow totally forget that our founding fathers had longer hair? They even wore powdered wigs during meetings or in public. Many of these had hair past the shoulder. Paul Revere himself had a pony tail! Were these men not patriots? England still uses these types of wigs in their court system. Are these men sinners?
: During the middle ages, some of the best Christian kings and men of God had long hair as did men of various time periods, and many were good, honest Christian men.
: It's sad that you have let yourself be hung-up on this issue. As a Christian, I find it deplorable that you would advise parents to punish their children for wanting a long hair style. I'm sure you might think it a sin, but I would defend to the death the ideal that God does not care about our outward appearance and knows each of us by our word and deed and hearts.
: What is in your heart, brother? Mass control or freedom of religion?
: Keith J. Hampton
Re: Here's what I wrote back to this guy:
Posted by Mudtallica on July 06, 2002 at 07:05:42: Previous Next
In Reply to: Here's what I wrote back to this guy: posted by longhair43 on July 04, 2002 at 09:22:15:
Whatever happened to the so-called Christian belief of "judge not lest ye BE judged?", or something to that effect. The typical hypocritical attitude of this alleged "christian" is EXACTLY why I no longer participate in any organized religion.
I have nothing against short hair, but I agree with another persons post on this board: if hair was MEANT to be short, it would stop growing at some point.
Just my opinion as a Christian
Posted by Cactus Jack on July 04, 2002 at 17:04:28: Previous Next
In Reply to: check this page out posted by Rick on July 04, 2002 at 03:26:44:
This whole thing is kinda stupid if you ask me, i mean i AM a Christian myself but alot of people who "claim" to be christians like to take things out of context just like this with long hair, it NEVER says anywhere in the Bible that Long Hair on Men is wrong, there IS however mention of men with Short hair and women with Long hair BUT you would have to take it COMPLETLY out of context to get the View that men have to have short hair and women have to have long hair
besides Samson got his strength from Long hair and he lost his strength when it got cut off
also Jesus,Mosas,John The Baptist and many others in the bible had long hair
Hair Length,Beards,how you dress ETC. are up to the person
and in my opinion there is No Right or wrong when it comes to how you look
Re: Just my opinion as a Christian
Posted by James on July 06, 2002 at 03:32:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: Just my opinion as a Christian posted by Cactus Jack on July 04, 2002 at 17:04:28:
: More than an opinion. The good guys in the bible had long hair, and Sampson lost his because he was not faithful. Clearly the Bible does not require than we lose any aspect of our freedom, but in identification with these geatest of leaderss, I am committed to wearning long hair unless someone greaques out about it and I am willing to make an adjustment as long as ther is an awareness debate. Too tired to continye. More later.
please provide link to the page
Posted by RedRocker on July 04, 2002 at 20:54:47: Previous Next
In Reply to: check this page out posted by Rick on July 04, 2002 at 03:26:44:
so I can read it. Thanx.
Re: please provide link to the page
Posted by RedRocker on July 04, 2002 at 22:31:12: Previous Next
In Reply to: please provide link to the page posted by RedRocker on July 04, 2002 at 20:54:47:
Oops. I found it.