Frustrated Future Attorney

Frustrated Future Attorney
Posted by fitmus on July 12, 2002 at 15:31:36: Previous Next

I've always liked long hair...perhaps because of a martial artist and musical influence. In any case, I had long hair twice before, but currently have short hair and live in California. When it was long, I worked in an insurance company and wore it neatly in a ponytail. Currently, I just finished my first year of law school. I would love to grow my hair back long again, but I'm afraid of the way people (mostly co-attorneys, judges, employers, etc) will perceive and label me. Are there any other long-haired male attorneys out there, or men that have had issues working in what society would consider a "professional" job where long hair is typically considered bad? If so, what are your stories?

I think it's unfair how employers limit male hair length (which, undoubtably, enables society to continue thinking of long hair on men as bad). It seems like our country has come a long way when it comes to women, minority and gay equality (which I don't have a problem with), but doesn't it seem like male long hair is becoming even more "evil" in society's eyes? I think the way you groom yourself and dress has a strong impact on your confidence and the way you generally feel. You can't change your hair, like you can your clothes, when you come home from work. Shouldn't men have the choice to have their hair long at the workplace? This includes the situation where there may be no written company policy regarding male hair length, but you know you didn't get the job because you had long hair...even though you were told you "didn't have the credentials". You know, kind of like when a pregnant woman doesn't get the job...the company says the same "credential" excuse, but it's really because of all the issues of visits, maturnity leave, increased insurance load, etc.

Sorry, had to vent a little bit. A part of me is thinking to grow it out now so I can have it in a pony tail by the time I graduate in 2 more years. I'd be the only one in the entire school with long hair and I don't know of any attornys that have long hair in this area. Should I do it?

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