Question about swimming
Posted by Scott on July 14, 2002 at 13:12:59: Previous Next
hey all,
I will be swimming in the ocean next week, and this is the first time I've done any swimming since I have started growing my hair (it's about 9" long). What do you all usually do when you swim? Keep your hair in a tail?
I wonder if keeping it in a tail will effect the lightening of my hair, which I'm looking forward to, from the sun/water..
Re: Question about swimming
Posted by Loren on July 14, 2002 at 14:56:42: Previous Next
In Reply to: Question about swimming posted by Scott on July 14, 2002 at 13:12:59:
Wet your hair with fresh water. Put it in a pony tail with
a small rubber band (you can get them at Wal-Mart) for
hair. Wear a silicone (not latex) rubber cap over your
hair. You can get silicone caps at good sporting goods stores.
Tuck the pony tail into the cap as far as it will go
at the back and top of your head. The cap will protect
your hair from the ocean salt. After swimming, shower
down and liberally use your regular shampoo and
conditioner. That's about it. You shouldn't have any problems
with this routine.
Re: Question about swimming
Posted by Reflective on July 15, 2002 at 00:07:46: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Question about swimming posted by Loren on July 14, 2002 at 14:56:42:
I hate to disagree with you Loren, but I don't think that it is advisable to ever put your hair in a ponytail when it is wet. Also, one should NEVER EVER use a rubber band, as that will damage and break the hair. When I go swimming, I first put my hair in a ponytail when it is dry. I use a hair tie without metal parts or exposed elastic. Scunchi makes good ones called "Hair Hoisery". They too are available at places like Wal Mart. It's ok to leave your hair in the tail after it gets wet, as long as it went in dry, that is ok. This is because hair will stretch approximately 20% more when it is wet. If you put it into a tail when it's wet, then you risk stretching it beyond its dry stretchability. Then as it dries, the tension becomes too great. If you're lucky, this will cause it to break, which of course makes it shorter, and unable to reach your hair tie in the future. If you are unlucky it will damage the hair follicle, premanently preventing it from growing in the future. This is known as tractional hair loss and is a major cause of thinning hair and baldness among those who constantly wear very tight hair styles, such as corn rows. If, on the other hand, you put it in a pony tail when it's dry, and then it gets wet, well that is ok, because the hair will just become looser as it stretches out. As it dries once again, it will just return to it's original dry tension. As far as the salt is concerned. Well, that won't really damage your hair as long as you rinse it out with fresh water as soon as you can. So a cap really isn't necessary. A cap will however protect your hair from the damaging rays of the sun. But, I find that wrapping my hair into a bun accomplishes much the same thing without the discomfort of a cap.
Re: Question about swimming
Posted by Lückskind on July 14, 2002 at 17:26:36: Previous Next
In Reply to: Question about swimming posted by Scott on July 14, 2002 at 13:12:59:
:What do you all usually do when you swim? Keep your hair in a tail?
: I wonder if keeping it in a tail will effect the lightening of my hair, which I'm looking forward to, from the sun/water..
I don't know what ocean water will do, but I've heard wearing a cap
in the swimming pool is a good idea.