please help!!!!

please help!!!!
Posted by Alex M. on July 19, 2002 at 22:56:38: Previous Next

I've been growing my hair now for about a year.As i was growing it, i put my hair in curls without no curling products, just regular gel. I also braided my hair a few times.I dont have that sort of soft hair, its not that soft but normal i guess. As i was growing it, my hair kept falling out. In front of my head, on top of my hair line, i can see that lots of hair has fallin out. I heard that i can prevent hair loss and keep my hair healthy by cuttin about an inch of my hair every 2 or 3 months. Today.. i have lots of hair lost and i have to cut all of my hair. What should i do to prevent hair loss and keep my hair healthy as im growing it? Thanx!!

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