please help!!!!
Posted by Alex M. on July 19, 2002 at 22:56:38: Previous Next
I've been growing my hair now for about a year.As i was growing it, i put my hair in curls without no curling products, just regular gel. I also braided my hair a few times.I dont have that sort of soft hair, its not that soft but normal i guess. As i was growing it, my hair kept falling out. In front of my head, on top of my hair line, i can see that lots of hair has fallin out. I heard that i can prevent hair loss and keep my hair healthy by cuttin about an inch of my hair every 2 or 3 months. Today.. i have lots of hair lost and i have to cut all of my hair. What should i do to prevent hair loss and keep my hair healthy as im growing it? Thanx!!
Re: please help!!!!
Posted by Reflective on July 19, 2002 at 23:13:55: Previous Next
In Reply to: please help!!!! posted by Alex M. on July 19, 2002 at 22:56:38:
First of all, lets get one thing cleared up right off the bat. Cutting hair does not make it healthier or keep it from falling out. Except for the part in the follicle, under the skin, hair is a dead shaft of protein. The follicle has no knowlege of, nor is it affected by cutting of the shaft of hair outside. True, cutting can remove split ends, but this is a visual concern, nothing more. If you cut off an inch each 2 months, well then, your hair will never get any longer. Because that is the rate at which it grows. Cutting will do only one thing to your hair, make it shorter.
What can damage the roots and potentially cause hair loss is excessive pulling. You said that you did braids. Were they excessivly tight? Did you leave them in for excessively long periods of time? If so, that may have contributed to your hair loss. Unfortunately, this type of hair loss is usually permanent.
Another, consideration. Is it possible that you are experiencing male pattern baldness. The noticeable onset of which just happened to coincide with your period of growing your hair? See a doctor, ask them about it. If it does look like MPB, well then there is medication that you can take for it. Propecia needs to be prescribed by your doctor. It is a miracle drug as far as MPB is concerned. Also, you can now get 5% Minoxidil over the counter and apply it topically. For many men, the combination of both of these is the real key to success.
Lastly, let's not overlook the obvious. Hair is often a barometer of our general health. Make sure that you eat a balanced, nutritious diet. Get regular excercise and plenty of rest. A healthy body produces healthy hair.
Hope this helps.
Re: please help!!!!
Posted by Baldie the Eagle on July 19, 2002 at 23:50:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: please help!!!! posted by Reflective on July 19, 2002 at 23:13:55:
That is good advice.
Also, everybody loses a number of hairs every day. It's quite normal and nothing to worry about. As your hair gets longer, you notice the hair that falls out more. A hair falling out a quarter inch long you will probably not see at all. If it is three inches long it looks as much as twelve quarter inch hairs, but it isn't, it's still just one individual hair.
Re: please help!!!!
Posted by Adi on July 21, 2002 at 05:05:11: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: please help!!!! posted by Reflective on July 19, 2002 at 23:13:55:
: What can damage the roots and potentially cause hair loss is excessive pulling. You said that you did braids. Were they excessivly tight? Did you leave them in for excessively long periods of time? If so, that may have contributed to your hair loss. Unfortunately, this type of hair loss is usually permanent.
What do u mean by that?I've never heard about it as a cause.
Is ponytailing ur hair considered to be excessive pulling?
Re: please help!!!!
Posted by Reflective on July 21, 2002 at 23:09:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: please help!!!! posted by Adi on July 21, 2002 at 05:05:11:
Yes, ponytails can cause this damage, if they are made too tight and especially if they are made in wet hair. Just make sure your hair is dry before ponytailing, and just leave a little slack. Then you should be fine.