just saying hi

just saying hi
Posted by Chris on July 20, 2002 at 21:06:07: Previous Next

Hey guys. I just wanted to introduce myself. I used to post here occasionally a while back, when I had long hair. I think this place is great and I still lurk around. Well, tomorrow it will be 13 weeks since I shaved my head completely, and 13 weeks since I've got a haircut. Yes, I went from near shoulder-length hair to NOTHING! Well, there was a period of two days in between when I had a bout a half an inch of hair. Why did I cut, you ask? Well, it was the first time I grew my hair long, and I was not very nice to my hair, being a 17 year old guy who knew nothing about hair. When my hair was long I hated it, then I dyed it and hated it more, then I cut. That's basically the story.
Well, over that two plus years I learned a lot about hair care, and specifically what I need to do if I want nice, healthy long hair. So here I am growing again. 13 weeks and roughly one and a half to two inches of hair sits on my head. Didn't measure, though. I figure it's growing at about average speed, though several people have commented on how fast my hair has grown. Maybe they just don't realize how long it's been since I shaved it, or maybe they're not used to seeing a person grow their hair from a shaved head. Anyways, I figure in about 2 months it'll be down to my eyebrows. Can't wait till it's long again. I don't feel like myself.
Well, that's my story, abbreviated version anyways. I'll post a picture to show my progress as soon as I get one. Short hair sucks.


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