Questions about an undercut...

Questions about an undercut...
Posted by riggs on July 21, 2002 at 20:44:17: Previous Next

Hey all, i'm thinking about getting an undercut but there are some things i've been wondering about:

- I have, i guess, big hair. What i mean is that as my hair grows it becomes puffy and really big at the back and around my sideburn area. I'd like to grow it out but all this hair gets annoying so i always end up shaving everything off. Would an undercut remedy this annoyance (the puffiness) and would i then be able to grow it out?

- Like i said, i used to shave my head regularly for i'd say the past 4 years. Right now my hair's at about 1 inch in length. Is this too short for an undercut? I'm assuming it is, so when would the proper length be to get it done?

- Exactly how is an undercut done?


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