% of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46: Previous Next
Hey all I was just curious as to the number or Percent of actuall guys here with long hair.... It seems to me that everyone here is like me. (short haired and determined to become long haired) Because every once and a while a person will post a progress pic the likes of wich most us beginners can at this point only dream of and we all say so. So I conclude that the majority of people here are actually new hair growers looking for advice and encouragement. I myself am just 4 months from a skin bald shave but have wanted long hair my entire life. I think talking to you all will get me through the garbage looking phase that lasts so long :) Thanx all
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by Wolff on July 22, 2002 at 22:34:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
It's been 9 months since I shaved my head bald. No trims at all. My hair right now is the longest it's ever been but, I don't consider myself a longhair YET. I am determined though, and very excited. That's what keeps me going through this awkward stage.
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by ScotsmanJohn on July 23, 2002 at 00:58:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
My hair is exactly the length I want it, shoulder length. It took 15 months with trims to the back and then a final one at 9 months to get it even all the way around. I shampooed and conditioned every day and blow dryed it (Everyone seems to loathe them but I have never had a split end or any damage). I don't care to grow it any longer than it is. (By the way my hair is straight, very thick, and is naturally oily)
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by RedRocker on July 23, 2002 at 01:15:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
Mine is roughly halfway down my back -- been growing several years and seem to have reached my 'terminal length'. Anyway, hang in there. You will eventually get there. Take care.
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by j.s. on July 23, 2002 at 03:15:16: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
mine is to my waist- which has been about a 6-year journey. i may be nearing my terminal length as my growth seems to have slowed a bit.
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by Rick on July 23, 2002 at 04:31:24: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
: Hey all I was just curious as to the number or Percent of actuall guys here with long hair.... It seems to me that everyone here is like me. (short haired and determined to become long haired) Because every once and a while a person will post a progress pic the likes of wich most us beginners can at this point only dream of and we all say so. So I conclude that the majority of people here are actually new hair growers looking for advice and encouragement. I myself am just 4 months from a skin bald shave but have wanted long hair my entire life. I think talking to you all will get me through the garbage looking phase that lasts so long :) Thanx all
I have hair down to the ass. I have had long hair for over 20 years and love it. Shit I even have a beard. Looks really cool I think. Women seem to love it. LOL.
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by Bill on July 23, 2002 at 05:15:00: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
: Hey all I was just curious as to the number or Percent of actuall guys here with long hair.... It seems to me that everyone here is like me. (short haired and determined to become long haired)
My longest strands come within about four inches (ten centimeters) of my waist, but I've gotta pull down on them to see that. My hair grows in spirals and mostly hangs out all over my shoulders. :-)
There's probably more guys here growin' it than who's got it, because they need the encouragement and info that's here a lot more. Eventually being a longhaired guy and taking care of long hair becomes second nature and a lot of longhaired guys don't give all that much thought anymore. That's the main thing talked about on here, so they split. Some of us who have long hair as a strong part of our identity are apt to stay around since we enjoy sharing that with others. We are also the ones who are most apt to take an interest in helping out newcomers.
Despite the crowd of newcomers among us, we nevertheless average out to be a rather longhaired bunch. Even if you've been growing for just a few months, look around you - you're already more longhaired than 90% of the guys you'll see! :-)
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by Reflective on July 23, 2002 at 22:23:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Bill on July 23, 2002 at 05:15:00:
Hey Bill, was that picture taken in Muir Woods?
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by Bill on July 23, 2002 at 23:11:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Reflective on July 23, 2002 at 22:23:48:
: Hey Bill, was that picture taken in Muir Woods?
Yup! In April. Sittin' on the bridge way back at the end of the park. A version that shows more is on my home page, where if you look closely you can see the creek.
So you been there, eh!
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by tekmatai on July 23, 2002 at 05:37:58: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
Im at 8 months growing, from one of those cuts that are short at the back, and have a flick at the front. The one that everyone seems to have now.
Currently i have about 13 cm of hair (kinda obsessed with its growth), so i dont think im doin too bad for 8 months growing, but i wasnt bald before i started.
Im gonna be happy to call myself long haired when it hangs at my chin, without being pulled (like prof. Snapes' from the Harry Potter movie- and i know that was a BAD wig :P )
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by The Rev on July 23, 2002 at 09:58:38: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
19 months growth. My hair is about a third of the way down my back at the longest point.
The Rev
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by Ambrose on July 23, 2002 at 10:31:18: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
I'm just past a year. I didn't have it shaved bald, but it was short enough. Now I can almost tie it all back in a high tail w/o any glue. I've still got a while in the awkward stage, but it's a lot better than it was several months ago. It's not easy, but I think it's worth it, despite the comments you get from the unenlightened.
: Hey all I was just curious as to the number or Percent of actuall guys here with long hair.... It seems to me that everyone here is like me. (short haired and determined to become long haired) Because every once and a while a person will post a progress pic the likes of wich most us beginners can at this point only dream of and we all say so. So I conclude that the majority of people here are actually new hair growers looking for advice and encouragement. I myself am just 4 months from a skin bald shave but have wanted long hair my entire life. I think talking to you all will get me through the garbage looking phase that lasts so long :) Thanx all
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by Dark Elf on July 23, 2002 at 15:36:45: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
I've been growing for 2 years and 5 months. It's evened out just above my shoulders (if it wasn't curly it would be below my shoulders). Sorta similar to Nickleback's lead singer. It'll get closer to that as it falls below my shoulders, which should be right before the year's end.
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by Fitmus on July 23, 2002 at 15:56:55: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
I must admit, I've got a fairly close shave, but I do frequent this board to hear the encouraging words from these folks because I'm thinking about growing it out again (had it long twice before). I haven't fully decided on whether I should grow mine out because I'm a mid-life student who's afraid that people's perceptions will affect my job opportunities, unfortunately. However, with two more years till graduation, I'm thinking I'd probably be able to look more professional by pulling it back in a ponytail by letting it grow now, rather than get a job and then grow it! Good luck if you decide to grow...maybe I'll follow!
Posted by RedRocker on July 23, 2002 at 23:21:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Fitmus on July 23, 2002 at 15:56:55:
Welcome Fitmus. You'll probably find that this a very receptive (and accepting) site. Best of luck whatever you choose to do (long or short).
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by Another Rick on July 23, 2002 at 18:03:29: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
More and more longer hair about round here as the months go by. Mine will tie back now, after about 9 months from my last haircut. I plan to stop at mid-back level, I think I'll leave the really long hair for the girls - they carry it off best! Women seem to like long hair on men. Maybe long hair is just a plus-point in the looks department for both sexes. Shaved heads are starting to look very passe!
Cheers, Rick(another one)
: Hey all I was just curious as to the number or Percent of actuall guys here with long hair.... It seems to me that everyone here is like me. (short haired and determined to become long haired) Because every once and a while a person will post a progress pic the likes of wich most us beginners can at this point only dream of and we all say so. So I conclude that the majority of people here are actually new hair growers looking for advice and encouragement. I myself am just 4 months from a skin bald shave but have wanted long hair my entire life. I think talking to you all will get me through the garbage looking phase that lasts so long :) Thanx all
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by EdG on July 23, 2002 at 20:00:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
My hair is down to my hips, about 6 years worth of growth. I started growing my hair around 1990 and haven't looked back since.
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by Robert on July 23, 2002 at 20:53:36: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
I have long hair--falls all over my shoulders and down to shoulder blades in back. I will have been growing it out 2 years in October. I stick around here because there is a supportive community here, but I do find that I read fewer of the posts simply because my questions have been answered--at first with the posts of others, now, with experience!
: Hey all I was just curious as to the number or Percent of actuall guys here with long hair.... It seems to me that everyone here is like me. (short haired and determined to become long haired) Because every once and a while a person will post a progress pic the likes of wich most us beginners can at this point only dream of and we all say so. So I conclude that the majority of people here are actually new hair growers looking for advice and encouragement. I myself am just 4 months from a skin bald shave but have wanted long hair my entire life. I think talking to you all will get me through the garbage looking phase that lasts so long :) Thanx all
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by Reflective on July 23, 2002 at 22:32:18: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
For many years, I would grow my hair for as much as six months or so, then I would cave in to pressure from family to cut. Finally, three years ago, I said "It's my hair and I'm doing what I want with it!" Now it reaches the middle of my back (when wet) but because it's curly, only reaches my shoulder blades when dry. I want to get to terminal length, just to see where that is. Then if my terminal length is longer than this, I plan on trimming it so it reaches the small of my back when dry.
But one thing I can tell you is that it's not just about the destination. I am enjoying every step of the journey!
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by Jonathan on July 23, 2002 at 23:02:43: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
well I seem to be one of 6 longhairs on here,, guess there are veterans. lol
p.s. i'll be thrilled if the picture works.. well see
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by SteveP on July 23, 2002 at 23:02:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
: Hey all I was just curious as to the number or Percent of actuall guys here with long hair.... It seems to me that everyone here is like me. (short haired and determined to become long haired) Because every once and a while a person will post a progress pic the likes of wich most us beginners can at this point only dream of and we all say so. So I conclude that the majority of people here are actually new hair growers looking for advice and encouragement. I myself am just 4 months from a skin bald shave but have wanted long hair my entire life. I think talking to you all will get me through the garbage looking phase that lasts so long :) Thanx all
Been growing my hair out for about 2 1/2 years now and its about 3" below my shoulders now. This board has been a great source fo encouragement,advice and reasources for me.
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by John L. on July 24, 2002 at 02:15:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
As someone who has just ended his stay in the awkward stage, I can tell you that it's worth it. In one respect, the uncalled-for trim that I got on 4/13/2002 was actually a good idea. All of my hair is one length now (shoulder-length, still planning to go for waist-length, even if it means that I alienate myself from the family).
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by BMC on July 24, 2002 at 14:35:37: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
My hair is just past the middle of my back, which is as long mine will grow. I've had long hair for around 10 years.
Re: % of guys here with long hair? hehe
Posted by Gabriel on July 24, 2002 at 16:53:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: % of guys here with long hair? hehe posted by Dustin on July 22, 2002 at 22:31:46:
Been growing it out for 4 years from all one length at chin. It is now about 3/4 down back. I can yank the longest section of the back (which has grown in unevenly) nearly to my waist. While a few people would like to see me cut, I get plenty of support for the length. Mostly women want to touch it or play with it. My hair, like Bill's, grows in spirals and the full length is not obvious unless I've just come out of the shower. I suppose I should blow dry it straight just to see what it would look like. I'd like to see waist length, maybe not forever, but I do like it long!