Vitamin c, msm and hair growth
Posted by Sandra D on July 29, 2002 at 15:41:39: Previous Next
Okay, I admit that I am attracted to the loger haired men.
Recently my boyfriend cut his hair off. He was in a band and quit and was going thru a mid-life crisis. Now I think he's real sorry.
He has a fetish for long hair. It ticks me off that women marry men than cut thier hair in some above the ear or bob thingy-me do and think well I got a man. Anyway I stopped coloring my hair and stared supplements, taking 6000mg MSM daily now I have long nails and my hairs is grwing about an inch and a half per month, Take 100mg of vitamin c. You can read about msm on the net just type in msm.
It reslly works. I am 36 and I will never submit to a conservitive way of dress. I work hard to keep what I have. Long hair has its consequences but its worth it.
Re: Vitamin c, msm and hair growth
Posted by Polska on July 29, 2002 at 16:20:44: Previous Next
In Reply to: Vitamin c, msm and hair growth posted by Sandra D on July 29, 2002 at 15:41:39:
wow... thats some might fast growth. Is msm commercially available, im assuming it is, and if so, at what types of stores?
Re: Vitamin c, msm and hair growth
Posted by sandrad on July 30, 2002 at 09:52:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Vitamin c, msm and hair growth posted by Polska on July 29, 2002 at 16:20:44:
MSM is a sulfur mineral it has no side effects at all, Just type in MSM on the net there is several hundred websites. I have found the best form in what the drugstore chain CVS carries its about six bucks, in order for it to work effeciently you will need to take vitamin c. I take the chewables 1000 mg a day with 6000 mg msm. You can ta=ke less I take two msm with each meal. It also helps allergies by alleviating the histimine in your system. Dont take it from me look it up on the net. CVS brand is better than the name brands.As several people have said Vitamin C is essential for promoting growth, if you look oon the net there is a doctor who did a study where individuals who were going bald actually grew hair back. But, drink water or none of it will work.