Vitamin c, msm and hair growth

Vitamin c, msm and hair growth
Posted by Sandra D on July 29, 2002 at 15:41:39: Previous Next

Okay, I admit that I am attracted to the loger haired men.
Recently my boyfriend cut his hair off. He was in a band and quit and was going thru a mid-life crisis. Now I think he's real sorry.
He has a fetish for long hair. It ticks me off that women marry men than cut thier hair in some above the ear or bob thingy-me do and think well I got a man. Anyway I stopped coloring my hair and stared supplements, taking 6000mg MSM daily now I have long nails and my hairs is grwing about an inch and a half per month, Take 100mg of vitamin c. You can read about msm on the net just type in msm.
It reslly works. I am 36 and I will never submit to a conservitive way of dress. I work hard to keep what I have. Long hair has its consequences but its worth it.

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