Hmmm Over Kill?
Posted by Dustin on July 31, 2002 at 11:42:30: Previous Next
Hey everyone I was just wondering if we are all a little too obsessed with our hair growth and care. I condition rinse my hair daily and wash once a week and for the most part I like it but I was wondering if it is really needed. My sister and mom and women around the world was and condition their hair every day of the week and their hair never dries out or falls out or stopps growing or anythign else. Actually from what I have seen women that tend to their hair daily with shampoo and conditioner have AWSOME healthy looking hair. So why then is it not the same for us? Why must we not wash and let oil build up and be so concerned about it all? I think the whole oil issue is one of look and not actually hair health in the long run perhaps. I like to put a little olive oil in my hair after washing to help it lay down but now that I condition every day I don't even need to use the oil. Women also use curling irons hair irons and all kinds of nasty hair sprays and what not. I am thinking about goign natural myself and just getting organic shampo and conditioner from health food store and maybe a leave in plant extract of soem kind. Well anyway I have talked a lot hehe I will wait to see what you all think. And one more thing about at the begining of this post I was not calling you all obsessed I was saying I knwo I for one am always watchign hair and waiting for it to grow. I am just wondering if I should just ignore it :)
Posted by The Rev on July 31, 2002 at 11:56:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hmmm Over Kill? posted by Dustin on July 31, 2002 at 11:42:30:
Then again, it's not a crack addiction. :)
Seriously though, I don't know how people can iron, steam, process, dye, bleach, and otherwise abuse their hair and still have it look great. I tend to think that it looks great the way a made up cadaver looks great; it's not as healthy as it appears.
I wish I could use my girlfriend as an example, but she has hair like 20# test fishing line so it can take the abuse. My baby-fine hair would fall out just being IN THE SAME ROOM with an ammonia rich bottle of dye. ;-)
The Rev
Posted by Dustin on July 31, 2002 at 11:59:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: Maybe... posted by The Rev on July 31, 2002 at 11:56:59:
hehe Yeah I am just 5 months from skin bald so I don't know all that much yet. :) What I do now is I condition every day but do not wash then when I get out of the shower I comb it all back and put a beanie on. It isa black oen I look liek some little gangster hehe But I leave it on for about 2 hours until hair dries flat back against my head. Then I simply brush through it to let it rise just a tiny bit and I am happy with it. It then stays all day without a drop of hairspray or gel ! :)
"made up cadaver looks great"
Posted by LucksKind on July 31, 2002 at 12:14:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: Maybe... posted by The Rev on July 31, 2002 at 11:56:59:
...but it's not as healthy as it appears...
Best laugh of the day! Thanks!
Re: Maybe...
Posted by Wolff on July 31, 2002 at 17:47:25: Previous Next
In Reply to: Maybe... posted by The Rev on July 31, 2002 at 11:56:59:
Yeah, those cadavers sure look healthy! They could've fooled me!
Every Day?
Posted by Zorba on July 31, 2002 at 14:07:00: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hmmm Over Kill? posted by Dustin on July 31, 2002 at 11:42:30:
VERY good point!
I think a lot of it has to do with individual hair interacting differently with different products.
I wash, and condition, EVERY SINGLE DAY - have for years. If I don't, my hair is a snarly MESS the next day. My hair is fine!
Re: Hmmm Over Kill?
Posted by johnny on July 31, 2002 at 14:25:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hmmm Over Kill? posted by Dustin on July 31, 2002 at 11:42:30:
I think for people with dry hair, the general advice given on this board is probably great, and helps it looking excellent. But, everyone's hair is different, and different methods work for different hair types. My hair is thick and oily, I tried washing every third day, and conditioning daily, and after a few months it got terribly greasy, almost like permanent gel in my hair! I don't think this was cos of the products i was using causing build up either, cos they didnt have silicones or anything in. Anyway, past few weeks I've given up on conditioner, and just stuck to shampooing every third day - so far ive seen a dramatic improvement in my hair, and it feels great for the 2-3 days after shampooing. Trial and error seems to be the only way to go, for me at least =)
not me
Posted by The Kid on July 31, 2002 at 15:33:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hmmm Over Kill? posted by Dustin on July 31, 2002 at 11:42:30:
I've thought the same thing at times.....there is a fine line between someone being obsessed with something and someone being cautiously contientious. If your obsessed with your hair it seems that you will spend a long time on your hair coditioning, blow drying/curling, spritzing, etc. your hair. If your just contientous then you will stay away from doing those things too much because the end result of excess is dry, damaged hair that falls out (it grows back-just real short again)-it also means spending less time on your hair.
I would say it's women that spend hours a day on their hair-I spend 5-10 minutes a day on my hair because I just wash it with cool water and let it air dry...done!
Posted by RedWind on July 31, 2002 at 17:59:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hmmm Over Kill? posted by Dustin on July 31, 2002 at 11:42:30:
Growing your hair isn't rocket science. It just seems to come harder to many men because it isn't something they grew up with. Obsessing over your hair won't make it grow faster, longer, or better, it will just waste lots of time and possibly make you do something really dumb and damage it. I shampoo and condition most every day, let it air dry for a while then blow-dry and brush it once it's about half-dry. I've been doing this for years, and my hair has yet to fall out or stop growing- I've grown it to my waist before with no trouble, but now keep it at a mid-back length for ease of maintenance.