Hmmm Over Kill?

Hmmm Over Kill?
Posted by Dustin on July 31, 2002 at 11:42:30: Previous Next

Hey everyone I was just wondering if we are all a little too obsessed with our hair growth and care. I condition rinse my hair daily and wash once a week and for the most part I like it but I was wondering if it is really needed. My sister and mom and women around the world was and condition their hair every day of the week and their hair never dries out or falls out or stopps growing or anythign else. Actually from what I have seen women that tend to their hair daily with shampoo and conditioner have AWSOME healthy looking hair. So why then is it not the same for us? Why must we not wash and let oil build up and be so concerned about it all? I think the whole oil issue is one of look and not actually hair health in the long run perhaps. I like to put a little olive oil in my hair after washing to help it lay down but now that I condition every day I don't even need to use the oil. Women also use curling irons hair irons and all kinds of nasty hair sprays and what not. I am thinking about goign natural myself and just getting organic shampo and conditioner from health food store and maybe a leave in plant extract of soem kind. Well anyway I have talked a lot hehe I will wait to see what you all think. And one more thing about at the begining of this post I was not calling you all obsessed I was saying I knwo I for one am always watchign hair and waiting for it to grow. I am just wondering if I should just ignore it :)

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