Posted by Nick on August 05, 2002 at 23:45:40: Previous Next
It seems as though no matter how long I go without washing my hair and how oily it gets, after I shampoo, there is NOTHING left. Leaving my hair unmanagable and 'big' when dry. And conditioning afterwards doesnt seem to help much either. What is the secret to removing just excessive oil? I have tried many different brands, most of them contain sodium/ammonium laurel/lareth sulfate which is bad news from what I hear. All of them are the same in removing all oil. Same with different brands of conditioners. After conditioning, it feels slippery when wet but after drying you wouldnt even know i spent an hour conditioning. Also when I shampoo I use a very small amount, and rinse it out right after but still the same problem. If it is impossible to shampoo and still leave oil behind, then what about conditioners. I have tried many popular brands, ones that are meant for 'dry damaged hair'.
Re: shampoo
Posted by Treyn on August 06, 2002 at 06:50:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: shampoo posted by Nick on August 05, 2002 at 23:45:40:
Lot of the guys here say to rinse your hair out with cool to warm water through the week and shampoo only once a week or even less. Try just water and see how it works to get out the excess oil. You are really lucky to be able to produce these oils so easily. It keeps your hair healthy.