
Posted by Nick on August 05, 2002 at 23:45:40: Previous Next

It seems as though no matter how long I go without washing my hair and how oily it gets, after I shampoo, there is NOTHING left. Leaving my hair unmanagable and 'big' when dry. And conditioning afterwards doesnt seem to help much either. What is the secret to removing just excessive oil? I have tried many different brands, most of them contain sodium/ammonium laurel/lareth sulfate which is bad news from what I hear. All of them are the same in removing all oil. Same with different brands of conditioners. After conditioning, it feels slippery when wet but after drying you wouldnt even know i spent an hour conditioning. Also when I shampoo I use a very small amount, and rinse it out right after but still the same problem. If it is impossible to shampoo and still leave oil behind, then what about conditioners. I have tried many popular brands, ones that are meant for 'dry damaged hair'.

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