
Posted by Joker8 on August 06, 2002 at 01:37:45: Previous Next

Ok, Well i got around 7inch long hair all around and my bangs go to just the top of my mouth without pulling them. My hair is very thick I mean very, very thick and has like its own kinda poofyness to it by being so thick. Well my real question is Im thinking about doing somthing different with it for my senior year of school and my girlfriend suggested that I get a semi-perm or somthing like that, that just makes it really wavy. Is this damaging to my hair. Will I still be able to reach my goal one day to be able to have mid-back length hair and be able to put it in a professional-like pony tail. Will the perm die out like after my senior year so I look good for a good paying job. Is there any pictures you can post showing me what it will exactly look like. Well I know I asked alot but I thank you all for responding with what you can.

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