
Posted by Treyn on August 08, 2002 at 18:42:28: Previous Next

I understand that some on this board will probably be glad to see me go. As Hair Religion said, (and may the Good Lord bless him) someone on this board may think that Christians are being bashed. He was specifically talking about me, which is O.K. Well, in the last rash of posts on the issue of Jesus, my Lord and Saviour having long hair, I find it wasn't Christians who were being bashed, but Jesus himself. This I won't no longer be a part of. Jesus to me was the greatest most loving, compassionate being to ever walk the face of this earth and He is my Lord. I have really had a great time talking back and forths with you guys on this great community. I have spent most my evenings reading this board, but the disrespect for the hearts and feelings of others is becoming quiet hidious to me. I will continue to grow my hair long. I will continue my hair growth progress page at my site, but I will continue no longer here. For those who read this and want to post back, don't waste your time, I will never see it. Thanks and God bless to those out there who have respect, and may God also bless those who don't. PEACE!!!!! David Freeman.

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