Posted by Treyn on August 08, 2002 at 18:42:28: Previous Next
I understand that some on this board will probably be glad to see me go. As Hair Religion said, (and may the Good Lord bless him) someone on this board may think that Christians are being bashed. He was specifically talking about me, which is O.K. Well, in the last rash of posts on the issue of Jesus, my Lord and Saviour having long hair, I find it wasn't Christians who were being bashed, but Jesus himself. This I won't no longer be a part of. Jesus to me was the greatest most loving, compassionate being to ever walk the face of this earth and He is my Lord. I have really had a great time talking back and forths with you guys on this great community. I have spent most my evenings reading this board, but the disrespect for the hearts and feelings of others is becoming quiet hidious to me. I will continue to grow my hair long. I will continue my hair growth progress page at my site, but I will continue no longer here. For those who read this and want to post back, don't waste your time, I will never see it. Thanks and God bless to those out there who have respect, and may God also bless those who don't. PEACE!!!!! David Freeman.
In the name of Love!
Posted by LucksKind on August 08, 2002 at 18:50:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: Sianara... posted by Treyn on August 08, 2002 at 18:42:28:
...Jesus would not walk out...
..Paul would not walk out...
...anyway, I think it was Buddah that was being knocked...
...not J.C.!
O, well...I'll leave the light on...
Too bad...
Posted by FITMUS on August 08, 2002 at 18:51:58: Previous Next
In Reply to: Sianara... posted by Treyn on August 08, 2002 at 18:42:28:
I know he said he'll never look back, but just in case...
We'd hate to lose you. I know words can hurt, but there will always be words that hurt. Those words need to just be ignored. After all, this board consists mostly of courteous and respectful people, and there are always going to be people out there (not just on a board) that will have differing, and sometimes strong, contentious opinions. Just seems too bad that friendship with you on a board consisting of 99% "good talk" is lost because of an opinion.
Sorry to see ya go...
Re: Sianara...
Posted by Jin on August 08, 2002 at 21:04:41: Previous Next
In Reply to: Sianara... posted by Treyn on August 08, 2002 at 18:42:28:
: I understand that some on this board will probably be glad to see me go. As Hair Religion said, (and may the Good Lord bless him) someone on this board may think that Christians are being bashed. He was specifically talking about me, which is O.K. Well, in the last rash of posts on the issue of Jesus, my Lord and Saviour having long hair, I find it wasn't Christians who were being bashed, but Jesus himself. This I won't no longer be a part of. Jesus to me was the greatest most loving, compassionate being to ever walk the face of this earth and He is my Lord. I have really had a great time talking back and forths with you guys on this great community. I have spent most my evenings reading this board, but the disrespect for the hearts and feelings of others is becoming quiet hidious to me. I will continue to grow my hair long. I will continue my hair growth progress page at my site, but I will continue no longer here. For those who read this and want to post back, don't waste your time, I will never see it. Thanks and God bless to those out there who have respect, and may God also bless those who don't. PEACE!!!!! David Freeman.
Dear Treyn,
I really hate to see you go. In my view, you're a kind, wise and a generous person. You'll always be on my mind and I'll never forget those kind words you've given me.
I respect your decision to leave this board but, if you wish to, you can still email me and I'd very much like to maintain this friendship with you.
God bless,
Re: Sianara...
Posted by RedRocker on August 08, 2002 at 21:15:44: Previous Next
In Reply to: Sianara... posted by Treyn on August 08, 2002 at 18:42:28:
Sounds like a B.S. reason to leave ANYWHERE. People have different opinions. You have to be strong enough to listen and ignore those that "offend" you. Some people are athiests, some agnostic -- they are entitled to their opinions -- just as you are. When in the presence of your creator (God for me,?? for others); you will find out that NONE of us is ultimately right about things. However, most are 100% right in their own minds. That is the nature of human beings. So; run away if you must. It certainly doesn't reflect strength, respect for others OR tolerance. Take care.
Your Right...
Posted by Treyn on August 08, 2002 at 22:32:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Sianara... posted by RedRocker on August 08, 2002 at 21:15:44:
Your exactly right. It is no reason to run. In fact, the webmaster can delete my resignation post, cause I'm staying. I got tons of encouraging e-mail from many friends here at the board, and they set me straight about this. Thanks for the consructive critisism.
It's about time....
Posted by FITMUS on August 09, 2002 at 01:27:18: Previous Next
In Reply to: Your Right... posted by Treyn on August 08, 2002 at 22:32:34:
you came to your senses!! Glad to have you back! Just remember, if you run everytime someone says something you don't agree with, you'll die of exhaustion! Stick around and'll feel much better!
Re: Your Right...
Posted by RedRocker on August 10, 2002 at 05:15:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: Your Right... posted by Treyn on August 08, 2002 at 22:32:34:
You are MOST welcome...glad you decided not to leave. Stay strong, friend. We are all your friends here. True, we all have different opinions -- due to different life experiences and beliefs, etc. It's only natural that we all don't agree on religion/politics, etc.
Besides, if everyone agreed on everything -- what a boring world that would be!! As I said (sort of) before; I'm sure that when we die we will ALL be surprised with what we find. Perhaps death is "customized" depending on our individual beliefs? Course, no one's ever been able to describe what happens after death. I certainly don't believe it ends in 'nothingness'. That simply doesn't make sense to me. We are far too complex of a species to be some random pile of atoms. Take care.
Re: Sianara...
Posted by Oyo on August 09, 2002 at 00:17:24: Previous Next
In Reply to: Sianara... posted by Treyn on August 08, 2002 at 18:42:28:
Religion is a stupid reason to get worked up about stuff, no one will always agree with you.
Re: Sianara... In Reply to: Sianara... posted by Treyn on August 08, 2002 at 18:42:28: After that post of lies about me that was properly deleted by our astute moderator all I have to say is "Bu Buy, don't let the door hit you on the way out".
Posted by Hair Religion /a> on August 09, 2002 at 00:46:42:
Posted by Draco on August 09, 2002 at 01:13:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: Sianara... posted by Treyn on August 08, 2002 at 18:42:28:
: Sianara…
You're right; that's how you pronounce it. But the real Japanese spelling is SA-YO-NA-RA!