1st day of School

1st day of School
Posted by gilee on August 09, 2002 at 01:13:18: Previous Next

Today was the first day back to school. I'm a sophomore now this year. I had been dreading today because of the comments I'd start getting about my hair again. Everybody last year said I had a mullet although I didn't. But oddly enough of all the comments I received today, maybe only 2 were negative. MOst people just said, "Wow, you've got a lot of hair now." There were even a few guys who said they thought it was cool and said I looked like Howard Stern now. I had people comparing me to Slash and one that said I looked like Hanson. I had one guy who said that I needed to get a haircut and called me a hippie. The other comments were neither positive or negative. Those were just comments on how long my hair was now. Those make me feel pretty good because in my eyes I still don't have truly longhair yet.

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