For Those Leaving, Religion, Etc.

For Those Leaving, Religion, Etc.
Posted by Rokker on August 09, 2002 at 13:07:24: Previous Next

This is specifically for those few who want to leave the board because they somehow feel offended because of their religious beliefs.....

I say GET OVER IT! My goodness, how sensitive can some people be? If you're the one who brings up the topic of religion, then you should be man enough to accept the diverse views you'll get in the responses. If you can't handle a discussion and differing views, either a) don't bring up the topic or b) stay with a small group who shares your opinions and views 100%.

I personally stayed out of the discussion as to not offend anyone. I personally think the Bible is a load of conflicting BS and a bunch of fairy tales. I cannot understand how rational, normal thinking people can believe someone parted waters, or walked on water, or rose from the dead. It defies all the laws of science and nature. Some people would believe in Jack and the Beanstalk if it were in the Bible.

I don't believe there ever was a Jesus. If there had been, he'd surely have been in SOMEONE'S written and recorded history. Many cultures had extensive written histories, yet not one mentions this great man who had so many followers. And if there was this incredible flood that covered the planet, and Noah built an ark, why didn't any of the civilized cultures with written histories ever mention a flood? The Egyptians had very detailed written history, yet never mention anything about any of the Bible's stories. that I'm sure I've offended a few people, I'll just say this....

If you can't handle the diverse viewpoints of a diverse community...that being this web community...then you don't belong anywhere but with a small group who believes only what you believe and says what you want to hear.

I personally didn't see anything that was so offensive that anyone would have just cause to complain about it and walk out. But that's their choice. And to them I say....SEE YA! Don't let the screendoor hit you in the azz on the way out!

Heck, even the people on the Buzzboard are more reasonable than that!

Keep it long, let it grow, and just RELAX! This is supposed to be a place for us to discuss hair and be amongst FRIENDS! This is NOT supposed to be a place that creates any stress or resentment.

I propose we stay off the topic of religion from now on. It's something that should be discussed at home and in the church and NOWHERE else when your in a diverse community with varying belief systems.

We longhairs are a vast minority as it is. We shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves.


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