
Posted by gilee on August 11, 2002 at 00:36:19: Previous Next

Most of the comments I get about my hair are from guys but occasionly a girl may make a comment but its always: "When are you going to get a haircut?", or "Why are you growing your hair out?" both in negative tones. Yesterday while riding the school bus home a girl was talking to this dude sitting behind me and she asked him why he didn't get his haircut for school. His hair was still short, not even an inch yet but he always gets a buzzcut when he does get it cut. I thought that he looks better with hair rather than no hair (Note: I'm not gay just because I'll admit if a guy looks good or not. All guys know when some dude is ugly or not. It doesn't mean your gay.) He then said, "Well why didn't he get his hair cut for school?" talking about me of course but he said it jokingly because me and him are friends. She answered by saying I was girly!!! I think I look a whole lot better with longhair than I do with short buzzed-off hair like I used to have. I have this vision of how I'll look someday in the future; I see myself with longhair, earrings, a few tattoos, have lasik eye surgery or get contacts so I don't have to wear glasses, and wearing clothes that I've always wanted to wear ie. leather pants. Even when I was only 6 I knew one day I would have longhair. Whenever I see a longhaired guy in public with his girlfriend, she is always very HOT!! And I do know some girls like longhaired guys but they are rare just like longhaired guys. I remember back when Hanson was popular and this girl had on a T-shirt with them on it and this other girl asked her if she liked longhaired guys like it was something bad. I figure that it may only be like that here where I live because I live in redneck town pretty much. So most girls think they are supposed to have the short-haired, jeans wearing, tobbacco using, country music listening guys like their fathers. And I'm not like that. But I recently saw a poll that was for girls asking what they looked for in guys. 90% of them said short-hair and only 10% wanted longhaired guys. Whassupp wit dat????

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