Posted by gilee on August 11, 2002 at 00:36:19: Previous Next
Most of the comments I get about my hair are from guys but occasionly a girl may make a comment but its always: "When are you going to get a haircut?", or "Why are you growing your hair out?" both in negative tones. Yesterday while riding the school bus home a girl was talking to this dude sitting behind me and she asked him why he didn't get his haircut for school. His hair was still short, not even an inch yet but he always gets a buzzcut when he does get it cut. I thought that he looks better with hair rather than no hair (Note: I'm not gay just because I'll admit if a guy looks good or not. All guys know when some dude is ugly or not. It doesn't mean your gay.) He then said, "Well why didn't he get his hair cut for school?" talking about me of course but he said it jokingly because me and him are friends. She answered by saying I was girly!!! I think I look a whole lot better with longhair than I do with short buzzed-off hair like I used to have. I have this vision of how I'll look someday in the future; I see myself with longhair, earrings, a few tattoos, have lasik eye surgery or get contacts so I don't have to wear glasses, and wearing clothes that I've always wanted to wear ie. leather pants. Even when I was only 6 I knew one day I would have longhair. Whenever I see a longhaired guy in public with his girlfriend, she is always very HOT!! And I do know some girls like longhaired guys but they are rare just like longhaired guys. I remember back when Hanson was popular and this girl had on a T-shirt with them on it and this other girl asked her if she liked longhaired guys like it was something bad. I figure that it may only be like that here where I live because I live in redneck town pretty much. So most girls think they are supposed to have the short-haired, jeans wearing, tobbacco using, country music listening guys like their fathers. And I'm not like that. But I recently saw a poll that was for girls asking what they looked for in guys. 90% of them said short-hair and only 10% wanted longhaired guys. Whassupp wit dat????
Re: Girls
Posted by John L. on August 11, 2002 at 00:37:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: Girls posted by gilee on August 11, 2002 at 00:36:19:
Hey, dude, you should've just laughed when that girl said that you were "girly"... :)
: Most of the comments I get about my hair are from guys but occasionly a girl may make a comment but its always: "When are you going to get a haircut?", or "Why are you growing your hair out?" both in negative tones. Yesterday while riding the school bus home a girl was talking to this dude sitting behind me and she asked him why he didn't get his haircut for school. His hair was still short, not even an inch yet but he always gets a buzzcut when he does get it cut. I thought that he looks better with hair rather than no hair (Note: I'm not gay just because I'll admit if a guy looks good or not. All guys know when some dude is ugly or not. It doesn't mean your gay.) He then said, "Well why didn't he get his hair cut for school?" talking about me of course but he said it jokingly because me and him are friends. She answered by saying I was girly!!! I think I look a whole lot better with longhair than I do with short buzzed-off hair like I used to have. I have this vision of how I'll look someday in the future; I see myself with longhair, earrings, a few tattoos, have lasik eye surgery or get contacts so I don't have to wear glasses, and wearing clothes that I've always wanted to wear ie. leather pants. Even when I was only 6 I knew one day I would have longhair. Whenever I see a longhaired guy in public with his girlfriend, she is always very HOT!! And I do know some girls like longhaired guys but they are rare just like longhaired guys. I remember back when Hanson was popular and this girl had on a T-shirt with them on it and this other girl asked her if she liked longhaired guys like it was something bad. I figure that it may only be like that here where I live because I live in redneck town pretty much. So most girls think they are supposed to have the short-haired, jeans wearing, tobbacco using, country music listening guys like their fathers. And I'm not like that. But I recently saw a poll that was for girls asking what they looked for in guys. 90% of them said short-hair and only 10% wanted longhaired guys. Whassupp wit dat????
Re: Girls
Posted by SFMike on August 12, 2002 at 08:03:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Girls posted by John L. on August 11, 2002 at 00:37:50:
: Hey, dude, you should've just laughed when that girl said that you were "girly"
Or very congenially just said "Oh, Thank you!" It usually leaves them dumbfounded and gives you a good laugh.
Re: Girls
Posted by Santiago on August 11, 2002 at 00:53:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: Girls posted by gilee on August 11, 2002 at 00:36:19:
If you're getting a hot girl, fine, follow the polls. But she might have the mind of a lab rat. Or you can find a girl that is not shallow, is not ugly and loves you for what you are, not for a fashionable haircut. Those people are biased and stupid.
If you want to have long hair to get chicks, you better cut it and work out seriously. I don't mean all girls hate it, I just mean that long hair is not the only way to get them. If you want long hair because it's been your dream and your identity, then great for you.
A friend's girlfriend at college had him cut his hair, he couldn't stand 3 months of daily harrasing with the haircut subject, he screwed up his mane. So, please, be patient, you'll get great chicks, but don't have long hair just for that. We are different. We have courage to stand the awckward stage, let the loosers go with fashion and look like an army of fools.
Posted by Treyn on August 11, 2002 at 09:20:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Girls posted by Santiago on August 11, 2002 at 00:53:01:
I'm growing my hair long because for the last 12 years I have failed at it and now I am determined because this is who I perseve myself to be. On top of my perseption of myself, my Wife feels the same way. Especially after a few years of flat-tops and buzz-cuts. She was always kind about it because she is such a sweet hearted girl, but she dearly hated my hair that way and so did I. She was saying a while back that she can't wait till I am able to get it all in a ponytail. She did halfway successfuly get the top half in a half ponytail last night with the rest in back hanging loose, but it's still not quiet ready for that to be neat enough yet. Not too many months from now and I'll be there. PEACE!!!!!
Re: Wives...
Posted by Jin on August 12, 2002 at 00:08:09: Previous Next
In Reply to: Wives... posted by Treyn on August 11, 2002 at 09:20:51:
: I'm growing my hair long because for the last 12 years I have failed at it and now I am determined because this is who I perseve myself to be. On top of my perseption of myself, my Wife feels the same way. Especially after a few years of flat-tops and buzz-cuts. She was always kind about it because she is such a sweet hearted girl, but she dearly hated my hair that way and so did I. She was saying a while back that she can't wait till I am able to get it all in a ponytail. She did halfway successfuly get the top half in a half ponytail last night with the rest in back hanging loose, but it's still not quiet ready for that to be neat enough yet. Not too many months from now and I'll be there. PEACE!!!!!
Hi Treyn,
You're definitely a very lucky man to have such a sweet wife. I think your hair will hit new lengths in no time :))
Best Wishes,
Re: Wives...
Posted by Treyn on August 12, 2002 at 20:06:18: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Wives... posted by Jin on August 12, 2002 at 00:08:09:
Couldn't possibly imagine my life without her, my friend. Thanks!
why do they laugh? why is it tough?
Posted by LucksKind on August 11, 2002 at 08:30:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: Girls posted by gilee on August 11, 2002 at 00:36:19:
...if you live in a 'red-neck town' there's part of your answer.
Mve to a city or larger town where girls find the look
of longhairs to be 'adventurous' and exciting...
...Better yet, follow the advice of what someone else mentioned:
Do IT for yourSelf!
Re: Girls
Posted by Nick on August 11, 2002 at 09:20:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: Girls posted by gilee on August 11, 2002 at 00:36:19:
: Most of the comments I get about my hair are from guys but occasionly a girl may make a comment but its always: "When are you going to get a haircut?", or "Why are you growing your hair out?" both in negative tones. Yesterday while riding the school bus home a girl was talking to this dude sitting behind me and she asked him why he didn't get his haircut for school. His hair was still short, not even an inch yet but he always gets a buzzcut when he does get it cut. I thought that he looks better with hair rather than no hair (Note: I'm not gay just because I'll admit if a guy looks good or not. All guys know when some dude is ugly or not. It doesn't mean your gay.) He then said, "Well why didn't he get his hair cut for school?" talking about me of course but he said it jokingly because me and him are friends. She answered by saying I was girly!!! I think I look a whole lot better with longhair than I do with short buzzed-off hair like I used to have. I have this vision of how I'll look someday in the future; I see myself with longhair, earrings, a few tattoos, have lasik eye surgery or get contacts so I don't have to wear glasses, and wearing clothes that I've always wanted to wear ie. leather pants. Even when I was only 6 I knew one day I would have longhair. Whenever I see a longhaired guy in public with his girlfriend, she is always very HOT!! And I do know some girls like longhaired guys but they are rare just like longhaired guys. I remember back when Hanson was popular and this girl had on a T-shirt with them on it and this other girl asked her if she liked longhaired guys like it was something bad. I figure that it may only be like that here where I live because I live in redneck town pretty much. So most girls think they are supposed to have the short-haired, jeans wearing, tobbacco using, country music listening guys like their fathers. And I'm not like that. But I recently saw a poll that was for girls asking what they looked for in guys. 90% of them said short-hair and only 10% wanted longhaired guys. Whassupp wit dat????
I dont know about only 10% of girls liking long hair (allthough that is still quite a lot of people) About negative comments though, MOST the comments from guys that i've gotten were negative, but ALL comments from women were either positive, or just acknowlaging that I have a lot of hair but not really showing they like it. As for being called 'girly' that is a really ignorant comment since, for the record, hair length has nothing to do with gender, otherwise nature would keep it from growing longer. A poll is not going to be completely acurate either, it depends on the people that gave responses and not everyone in the world. Just because they dont prefer long hair, or even like it, doesnt mean they hate it, or maybe they dont care either way.
Re: Girls
Posted by Rick on August 11, 2002 at 09:20:46: Previous Next
In Reply to: Girls posted by gilee on August 11, 2002 at 00:36:19:
: Most of the comments I get about my hair are from guys but occasionly a girl may make a comment but its always: "When are you going to get a haircut?", or "Why are you growing your hair out?" both in negative tones. Yesterday while riding the school bus home a girl was talking to this dude sitting behind me and she asked him why he didn't get his haircut for school. His hair was still short, not even an inch yet but he always gets a buzzcut when he does get it cut. I thought that he looks better with hair rather than no hair (Note: I'm not gay just because I'll admit if a guy looks good or not. All guys know when some dude is ugly or not. It doesn't mean your gay.) He then said, "Well why didn't he get his hair cut for school?" talking about me of course but he said it jokingly because me and him are friends. She answered by saying I was girly!!! I think I look a whole lot better with longhair than I do with short buzzed-off hair like I used to have. I have this vision of how I'll look someday in the future; I see myself with longhair, earrings, a few tattoos, have lasik eye surgery or get contacts so I don't have to wear glasses, and wearing clothes that I've always wanted to wear ie. leather pants. Even when I was only 6 I knew one day I would have longhair. Whenever I see a longhaired guy in public with his girlfriend, she is always very HOT!! And I do know some girls like longhaired guys but they are rare just like longhaired guys. I remember back when Hanson was popular and this girl had on a T-shirt with them on it and this other girl asked her if she liked longhaired guys like it was something bad. I figure that it may only be like that here where I live because I live in redneck town pretty much. So most girls think they are supposed to have the short-haired, jeans wearing, tobbacco using, country music listening guys like their fathers. And I'm not like that. But I recently saw a poll that was for girls asking what they looked for in guys. 90% of them said short-hair and only 10% wanted longhaired guys. Whassupp wit dat????
Next time ask the girl why she doesnt cut her hair? Also ask her where she gets the idea that guys should not have long hair? Point out to her the founding fathers of this country had long hair. Some of the greatest warriors in earths history had long hair and so on. Tell her to stop being conditioned by a screwed up society that thinks among other things that guys should not have long hair. Also I know alot of women that like guys with long hair. So go for it. Just ignore the idiots. Don't follow, just lead. Grow it long and be proud of it. Also alot of guys with long hair are very tough and manly. Look at bikers and others like them. Rock on.
Re: Girls
Posted by MG on August 11, 2002 at 19:24:02: Previous Next
In Reply to: Girls posted by gilee on August 11, 2002 at 00:36:19:
: Most of the comments I get about my hair are from guys but occasionly a girl may make a comment but its always: "When are you going to get a haircut?", or "Why are you growing your hair out?" both in negative tones. Yesterday while riding the school bus home a girl was talking to this dude sitting behind me and she asked him why he didn't get his haircut for school. His hair was still short, not even an inch yet but he always gets a buzzcut when he does get it cut. I thought that he looks better with hair rather than no hair (Note: I'm not gay just because I'll admit if a guy looks good or not. All guys know when some dude is ugly or not. It doesn't mean your gay.) He then said, "Well why didn't he get his hair cut for school?" talking about me of course but he said it jokingly because me and him are friends. She answered by saying I was girly!!! I think I look a whole lot better with longhair than I do with short buzzed-off hair like I used to have. I have this vision of how I'll look someday in the future; I see myself with longhair, earrings, a few tattoos, have lasik eye surgery or get contacts so I don't have to wear glasses, and wearing clothes that I've always wanted to wear ie. leather pants. Even when I was only 6 I knew one day I would have longhair. Whenever I see a longhaired guy in public with his girlfriend, she is always very HOT!! And I do know some girls like longhaired guys but they are rare just like longhaired guys. I remember back when Hanson was popular and this girl had on a T-shirt with them on it and this other girl asked her if she liked longhaired guys like it was something bad. I figure that it may only be like that here where I live because I live in redneck town pretty much. So most girls think they are supposed to have the short-haired, jeans wearing, tobbacco using, country music listening guys like their fathers. And I'm not like that. But I recently saw a poll that was for girls asking what they looked for in guys. 90% of them said short-hair and only 10% wanted longhaired guys. Whassupp wit dat????
Your future vision of yourself is cool! Should be an awesome style.
Girls Love Long Hair!
Posted by Reflective on August 11, 2002 at 23:01:49: Previous Next
In Reply to: Girls posted by gilee on August 11, 2002 at 00:36:19:
At least from my experience they do. I don't know what segment of the female population you are dealing with, but for me, the longer my hair gets, the more positive attention from women I get. Ever since I grew my hair out, everywhere I go, women smile at me and start conversations with me. I've had women follow me around the grocery store. I once saw a girl point me out to her friend and I overheard her say, "oh hotness!". I once overheard a guy ask his girlfriend what she thought about my hair. She said "I think his hair is really nice, I like it a lot." And, it's not just overhearing things. Many women have come right out and told me that they love my hair. One even told me that in her next life, she will be born with hair like mine!
One thing however that I do know that women don't like, is hair that appears unkempt, dirty, straggly or just generally uncared for. Unfortunately, for many of us, the awkward stage looks like all of the above. I did notice that my positive experiences with women began to dramatically increase as I left the awkward stage behind. In fact, there is one girl I know who called my hair "girlish" when I was first growing it out and kept saying I should cut it. Now, this very same person says that I am one of the hottest guys she knows and admits that she loves my hair. So there you have it. I guess the trick is to keep it as neat and healthy looking as possible, especially during the awkward stage. Then enjoy the positive attention you will get from women as you grow it longer and longer!
Re: Girls
Posted by Remi on August 12, 2002 at 00:08:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: Girls posted by gilee on August 11, 2002 at 00:36:19:
As I am kinda a marginal and an eccentric guy, I don't care about fashion at all and it doesnt seem to bother anyone. My hair is starting to get a bit long (I am a four-monther), but nobody made comments about my hair yet. Sure, sometimes someone yells an insult at me, but it happened all my life regardless of my hair style. Like : "Fag!" or "Asshole!" And strangely enough, the only times I was called "girly" was when I had a very short buzzcut! As for girls, I think most of them are stupid. They will blindly follow what the society tells them to do.
Re: what girls are really saying
Posted by Baldie the Eagle on August 12, 2002 at 00:09:06: Previous Next
In Reply to: Girls posted by gilee on August 11, 2002 at 00:36:19:
Some girls hate longhaired guys, but the ones that like longhaired guys really love long hair. Forget the girls that love the buzzcut guys.
There are still not enough longhaired guys out there to make all the girls that love them happy, so you should soon be having a lot of attention.
But be careful. Some of the girls who say 'when are you going to cut your hair?' actually want to hear you say 'never' or 'when it is down to my waist'. If you tell them you are going to grow it long for a long time, you will soon find out which ones might be right for you.
Good luck and keep growing.
Chicks Dig Long Hair, Man!
Posted by Aaron on August 12, 2002 at 11:35:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: Girls posted by gilee on August 11, 2002 at 00:36:19:
Well dude, I can sympathize with you completely. I started growing my hair out last year before summer-break and once school started up, I had this funky "hafro" due to the curly nature of my hair. I got the comments, but then..I live in a redneck town like yourself, and ontop of that the half of my school that's not redneck is prep. Go figure. Now let me ask you something, why follow a crowd that bases their entire table of like and dislike upon shows like Entertainment Tonight and Extra? That's right, you don't! See, as I have concluded while letting my hair grow to it's now 15th month... People are immature, they're going to like or dislike you for whatever they can find, so if in their eyes a guy with long hair = 'girly' then they will try to beat you down for doing something outside of their 'mold'...
Chicks dig long hair man, and so do other guys (not in a homosexual kind of a 'don't mess with that guy, he looks rough' kind of way). I mean, like yourself since I was young I always took a fascination to guys with longer hair.. Why? It's badass, that's why! You just keep on doing what you're doing and we'll see who gets the last laugh.
(Oh yeah, and ever notice how many people started disliking the band Metallica after they all cut their hair? Peace, Re: Girls In Reply to: Girls posted by gilee on August 11, 2002 at 00:36:19: Well, let's see... When I was at work a couple of months ago, a girl who used to work with me came in. The first thing she said to me, as she smiled and her eyes kind of lit up: 'You let your hair grow!' That was far from negative. The interesting thing is that she, too, had let her hair grow. It used to be shoulder length, and the last time I saw her it was shoulderblade. That, added on to her natural beauty, well... *sigh* Then I was having dinner with my mother and a friend of mine, who's female. My mom said to her, 'Don't you think he looked better with short hair?' My friend, Erin, paused for a moment, looked at my hair, and said, 'I don't know, it's growing on me...' Decidedly positive. I have gotten a little positive attention from girls, which is new to me, being that I've never gotten any kind of attention from girls (at least, not that I was aware of). Whether it's because of my hair, I don't know, but it's only logical. Short hair: no attention; long(ish) hair: positive attention. Of course, I've had girls tell me that they don't like long hair on guys, and only one (that I can clearly remember) said that I should get it cut. But that's negligible. Just keep growing it man; girls DO like long hair. Not all, of course, but a substantial percentage of them. It really only matters that YOU like long hair, though. You'll get the attention -- GOOD attention. =] Good luck, my friend. Ryan Re: Girls In Reply to: Re: Girls posted by Mantraschism on August 12, 2002 at 13:07:34: : Well, let's see... : When I was at work a couple of months ago, a girl who used to work with me came in. The first thing she said to me, as she smiled and her eyes kind of lit up: 'You let your hair grow!' That was far from negative. The interesting thing is that she, too, had let her hair grow. It used to be shoulder length, and the last time I saw her it was shoulderblade. That, added on to her natural beauty, well... *sigh* : Then I was having dinner with my mother and a friend of mine, who's female. My mom said to her, 'Don't you think he looked better with short hair?' My friend, Erin, paused for a moment, looked at my hair, and said, 'I don't know, it's growing on me...' Decidedly positive. : I have gotten a little positive attention from girls, which is new to me, being that I've never gotten any kind of attention from girls (at least, not that I was aware of). Whether it's because of my hair, I don't know, but it's only logical. Short hair: no attention; long(ish) hair: positive attention. Of course, I've had girls tell me that they don't like long hair on guys, and only one (that I can clearly remember) said that I should get it cut. But that's negligible. : Just keep growing it man; girls DO like long hair. Not all, of course, but a substantial percentage of them. It really only matters that YOU like long hair, though. You'll get the attention -- GOOD attention. =] Good luck, my friend. : Ryan Re: Girls In Reply to: Girls posted by gilee on August 11, 2002 at 00:36:19: Just in the way we like our friends to try a new restaurant, our friends like us to listen to them. When I started growing my hair out from a buzz cut, guys and gals at work for the most part were all for it. Once the hair started to get below the collar of a shirt and looked a little messy, lots of guys and gals didn't like it and said so. But I grew out my hair for me. One doesn't want to spend their whole life pissing off the world, but on the other hand, one has to do what works for them. Be yourself, live your life the way you want and you will find a good women. It is not uncommon for women/chicks to want to make their man perfect in their eyes. If a chick accomplishes that task, she will usually get bored. Cool guys make chicks happy, but just never quiet get around to being too perfect, which means the woman spends her whole life with the guy trying to make him better. That's, cool, too, cuz the guy spends his whole life with the chick, soaking up the love and being just imperfect enough for her to stick around! Re: Girls In Reply to: Girls posted by gilee on August 11, 2002 at 00:36:19: : 90% of them said short-hair and only 10% wanted longhaired guys. Whassupp wit dat???? What is up is that these girls are only responding the way that the fashion world has trained them to. Pure Pavlovian - slaivate on cur. Think of it as idolatry, with "fashion" as the idol. Whatever is in fashion at that moment is the only thing that they would ever dare think of as desireable. I remember when styles were long for men. Back then 90% said wanted long haired men. If not for the passing of years you would probably find that they are the same 90% too. If styles changed overnight to long then you would find a lot of miraculous overnight conversions. I certainly remember them from the 1960s. It will be no different today. They have no real likes or dislikes of their own, just all-mighty fashion-fueled peer-group pressure. You may have to wait until some of them grow up a bit and want a complex, real, honest-to-God man (with or without long hair BTW) instead of a media image that they can be sure that all their friends will instantly approve of. Its called growing up be making your own mind about what you like. Its the difference between girls and women. Rolled & Pleated
Posted by Mantraschism on August 12, 2002 at 13:07:34: Previous Next
Posted by luna on August 12, 2002 at 20:37:00: Previous Next
i think long hair is great and im female (how come no one realises that luna is a girls name oh and yes i'm the luna who stopped posting awhile ago)
Posted by terry on August 14, 2002 at 14:33:30: Previous Next
Posted by Rolled Pleated on August 14, 2002 at 16:39:18: Previous Next