This message board style

This message board style
Posted by slacker on August 10, 2002 at 20:41:46: Previous Next

Who all agrees with the following:

Wouldn't this board be better if it worked the way I see most other boards..?

That is, you post a message/thread, and then everytime someone replies, it puts the original message/thread back at the top of the list.

Since this board has so many posts, ones that are only a couple days old get pushed so far down the list, often several pages, that a lot of people will miss them, and you get a lot less replies. These are posts that are actively getting replies. If it worked the other way, then there would be new and old posts mixed in as you scroll down. I realize a lot of posts will be missed still, but at least it will be partly new and old posts. Also, maybe the board could be divided into a couple different catergories..this is just gigantic, and its no ones fault, I think Victor runs a good board.

But if the board isn't split, I realize there's a problem either way it is done, but which would people prefer?


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