Mane N' Tail shampoo?

Mane N' Tail shampoo?
Posted by Wetdog on August 12, 2002 at 22:40:54: Previous Next

I'm just curious as to whether anyone has tried this stuff.
I bought it just 'cause I liked the name ^_^ . It seems to
be a horse shampoo that is also marketed as a human product.
I've only used it once as of yet, but I think I rather like it.
If you're interested in taking a look at it, I found it in the
local Walgreens (SE Wisconsin).

On another note, my left wrist (that I broke about a month ago)
is finally healing to the point where I can almost use both hands
to work with my hair. You guys with two good hands don't know how
good you have it. I've been wearing earth-tone scrunchies for a
month because I can't manage the tight bands at all!

'Till later,

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