This is just AWFUL

This is just AWFUL
Posted by LucksKind on August 13, 2002 at 20:42:48: Previous Next

I found guy 'preaching' the following:

[Quote] " Men should have short hair.[!]
It should be short enough as to be obviously contradictory
to the revolutionary symbol.
Why shouldn't a man be just as proud of his identity with short hair... the hippie is to identify himself with the revolution?[!]
Men, let us wear our short hair with pride...

Parents, start your son with haircuts and short hair when he is a baby. [!]
With discipline and, if needs be, punishment[!!!] see to it
that as he grows up he uses his hair as a symbol of

...SO, according to this belief, Longhairs are therefore:

* Revolutionary symbols...
* i.e. a hippie identifying himself with the revolution [which one?]
* and, evidently, UNpatriotic![huh?]

Well, OK, most of us can take care of ourselves & make our
own decisions...
...But what I HATE to see is the use of children in their propaganda!
That's just plain digusting.

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