Is Longhair Slowly Making a Return????

Is Longhair Slowly Making a Return????
Posted by gilee7 on August 14, 2002 at 16:02:37: Previous Next

Currently there are no real longhairs in my school. I probably have the longest hair in the school and mine is only just past my chin; because the only two guys that did have longhair both graduated last year. But for the class of 2005 (my class) there may actually be about 10. And that may not be that many but it is an increase. They're are a lot of guys now this year that are noticeably growing their hair out!!!
And here is another chronicle in the longhair comments that I've had at school. Today the dude that was sitting next to me told me to get a haircut and called me a hippie. The girl sitting in front of him actually defended me and said she thought that he should grow his hair out!!!

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