About the Samson argument below...
Posted by Treyn on August 14, 2002 at 19:57:36: Previous Next
The Webmaster wrote...
Religious topics are, in fact, welcome here, as long as they pertain to long hair on men.
StanleyBey wrote...
Please, let those who want to believe, believe.
Yes... it's Treyn here... I was going to wisely stay out of this one all together and let everybody else feed on this one, but I felt compelled to stop by and say thanks to the Webmaster and StanleyBey for their exacting wisdom on this subject.
Now I would like to say...
Let those who don't believe, not believe. But I also kindly ask for respect towards what I believe. I ask this in friendship. Thank you to all!
Re: About the Samson argument below...
Posted by Hair Religion on August 14, 2002 at 23:28:18: Previous Next
In Reply to: About the Samson argument below... posted by Treyn on August 14, 2002 at 19:57:36:
But how do we know whose toes we might be stepping on? Which of the 28,000 different denominations of the Christian church over the past 2000 years do you subscribe to?
Someone on this board saying "GOOD GOD!" May strike some as taking their lord's name in vain. And saying "The devil made me do it!" may offend some kind of devil worshiper (although to be technical, Satanists don't actually believe in Satan--see "churchofsatan.com" for explanation). "Holy cow!" might not go over too well with Hindus. Etc. Are we really respecting everyone's beliefs?
I think that one of the distinctions between people of different faiths on this board is that most don't go out of their way to testify for their religion, praise their gods/goddesses or ask that they be with you as part of their posts about hair, and that is just fine with the rest of us because knowing that someone subscribes to a particular religion is different than hearing them talk about their religion, which if anyone were interested in it they could find tons more detailed info somewhere else. Which is also why I think that we haven't heard much from the other longhair religious folks on this "topic" other than the Christians.
These are things to keep in mind...this is not a "flame" a bash or an argument, a slam, slur or a lie.
The webmaster does manage this board well and did make a good call as he has done in the past. Rokker saw one of the admitted Christians post about a character from the Christian holy book and though it may have been appropriate matter for the board it was in somewhat poor taste considering the barrage about religion and the calls by several people to back off the subject. But then I don't need to explain that as you saw it for yourself.