Longhair coming back......nah

Longhair coming back......nah
Posted by Carlos on August 14, 2002 at 23:10:25: Previous Next

I've seen alot of posts on here about long hair coming back in style. Many agree that it is, others say it will never be back in style. I live in a small city in Canada and from what I can see, long hair, as in shoulder length or longer is not coming back. However, a new style of somewhat long hair is emerging. This new style is what I like to call a "preppy afroish awkward baseball mullet". I use the word "preppy" because it is mostly preppy popular kids that are sporting this new hair style instead of a buzz cut. "Afroish" because 98% of these people growing out this hair style have really thick curly afro like hair. "Awkward" because that's all this hairstyle is, it's hair left in the awkward stage. "Baseball" because all the people with this style wear a baseball cap loosely over it. "Mullet" because when they wear a hat it resembles a mullet sticking out of the back. I guess it's good to see "longer" hair coming back, but am I the only one who thinks this style looks just as bad as a 80's mullet teased with too much hairspray?:P

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