slight problem
Posted by Erik on August 15, 2002 at 01:24:14: Previous Next
Well my parents, well actually just my mom hatess my new hair theory. I have onnly been washing my hair with luke warm water everyday and I will admit my hair is getting really oily and greasy looking. She said I look like I dont take care of my self now because my hair looks as she said "dirty". I quit washing my hair with shampoo because wheneever i do my hair gets all frizzie and poofy. Now when I dont wash it with shampoo its gets flatter and since my hair is blonde it makes it look darker and it has this wetness look to it all the time. I actually kinda like it but I do see how it can look dirty. So what can I do about this, My hair produces alot of oil, i mean just one day without washing it with shampoo you can see how it clumps like, i just keep it brushed and i avoid this clumping. But i just cant stand shampoo and I actually think it is damaging my hair too, it makes all these fly aways that stick up and curl out of no wear and brushing dont help that much when it does that. So what should i do. Im lost. I might post a picture somtime on the two different looks one cleaned with water and one cleaned with shampoo. also dont worry about what my mom thinks, she dont force me to do anything with my hair like other kids on this board but i do respect her opinions and stuff id just like to here what you think
Re: slight problem
Posted by Gibson Guy on August 15, 2002 at 01:49:58: Previous Next
In Reply to: slight problem posted by Erik on August 15, 2002 at 01:24:14:
I hear ya bro,I hate shampooing too. Makes my hair look awful! Or atleast it did until I cut back on shampooing. I used to shampoo everday or every other day and my hair was big and poofy all the time. Now I only shampoo once a week and it is a lot better. Try shampooing once a week with a mild shampoo,and only use a small amount. Then on the days between shampooings wash with plain cool water and condition. I do this every couple of days with great results.
: Well my parents, well actually just my mom hatess my new hair theory. I have onnly been washing my hair with luke warm water everyday and I will admit my hair is getting really oily and greasy looking. She said I look like I dont take care of my self now because my hair looks as she said "dirty". I quit washing my hair with shampoo because wheneever i do my hair gets all frizzie and poofy. Now when I dont wash it with shampoo its gets flatter and since my hair is blonde it makes it look darker and it has this wetness look to it all the time. I actually kinda like it but I do see how it can look dirty. So what can I do about this, My hair produces alot of oil, i mean just one day without washing it with shampoo you can see how it clumps like, i just keep it brushed and i avoid this clumping. But i just cant stand shampoo and I actually think it is damaging my hair too, it makes all these fly aways that stick up and curl out of no wear and brushing dont help that much when it does that. So what should i do. Im lost. I might post a picture somtime on the two different looks one cleaned with water and one cleaned with shampoo. also dont worry about what my mom thinks, she dont force me to do anything with my hair like other kids on this board but i do respect her opinions and stuff id just like to here what you think
Re: slight problem
Posted by Erik on August 15, 2002 at 02:03:03: Previous Next
In Reply to: slight problem posted by Erik on August 15, 2002 at 01:24:14:
It still has this greasy look to it after like 2 days, i mean it looks like my hair is constantly wet. My scalp makes way to much oil.Wonder if thats good or bad lol. My mom wants me to try this new shampoo and conditioner she bought from some salon i think the shampoo is called Biolage and the conditioner is baine de tere watercres volumizing i mean ive done all this washing crap before, i use to wash my hair and them condition and then try washing without conditioning and conditionoing without washing and washing only once a week but nothing seems to do anything special, just when it gets washed it get poofy and bouncy and sticks up here and there. since i havent been washing it with shampoo it lays nice and flat, i just brush it alot to avoid the clumps. but i do see how it doesent look clean and it is real dark and youd never be able to tell that i have real blonde hair. well maybe i should try these shamppos and conditioners my mom got i dont know, i just hate how my hair is so thick, i want it to like die, why do all these people want body and stuff to there hair, i want mine just to die and lay lifelessly lol
Re: slight problem
Posted by Greenberet on August 15, 2002 at 06:45:45: Previous Next
In Reply to: slight problem posted by Erik on August 15, 2002 at 01:24:14:
I don't think your hair can produce as much oil as mine dude =). As you mentioned nothing helps of the normal stuff posted here (sorry guys =) ). So i try my own thing. The best thing for me is to wash it all 2 days once (I mean monday, wednesday, friday, sunday, tuesday,...)with a VERY small amount of shampo. The days between i wash with water or i don't wash it at all. The result is that if i washed it with to little shampoo it looks good on shampo-days and if i use a little too much shampo it looks good on the notshampo-days. Maybe I try to wash it every day with shampoo but use fewer shampo than i do now. I'm just experimenting with my hair till i got the perfect solution for my hair.
But keep in mind, I'm only a 3,5monther with hairs about 3 inches long. So i don't have much experience with that.
Just my 2 Cents
Re: slight problem
Posted by Greenleaf on August 15, 2002 at 07:19:58: Previous Next
In Reply to: slight problem posted by Erik on August 15, 2002 at 01:24:14:
I have much the same problem (Though Mom hasn't been a factor for two decades for me) and here's what I have to do.
I wash my hair with Senscience (sp?) Shampoo, then conditioner. I then have to use Paul Mitchell's leave in conditioner.
Seems to do the trick.
Re: slight problem
Posted by JayPee on August 15, 2002 at 10:27:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: slight problem posted by Erik on August 15, 2002 at 01:24:14:
Having long hair means it's going to take more of your time to properly care for it. Hair has to be shampooed with *some* regularity, and young guys whose hormones are more active tend to produce more natural oils than someone who is middle aged. Here are a few things that may help:
1. Shampoo *at least* three times a week (even better, use a gentle product like Johnson's Baby Shampoo and make it a part of your daily shower). If you let that oil build up you're most likely going to eventually develop dandruff (does not look cool).
2. Ignore the instructions on the shampoo bottle. Use just enough to work up a weak lather, and NEVER "Repeat."
3. Blot your hair to semi-dry it. When it's dry enough to comb out any tangles, work in some leave-in conditioner (not *too* much). Paul Mitchell's is good, or (if you can afford it) Sebastian's Potion 9. Then, if you're in a hurry, you can gently blow dry it the rest of the way.
4. Once it's dry, spritz on a little mega-hold hair spray and, while the spray is still damp, use the palms of your hands to gently smooth out the frizzies.
5. If you do use a leave-in conditioner and hair spray, remember that they will remain on your hair or scalp until you wash them out -- another reason to shampoo frequently.
And remember, besides looking flat, dark and greasy, dirty hair "don't smell so pretty good." If you're interested in putting forth a good appearance, don't screw it up by smelling like a dead weasel. Good Luck.
. . . JP in san diego.
Posted by LucksKind on August 15, 2002 at 11:04:38: Previous Next
In Reply to: slight problem posted by Erik on August 15, 2002 at 01:24:14:
..advice! Guess the hard part is that everybody's hair is
a bit different than the next guy's.
If your hair looks oily and flat people may assume
it is 'dirty' when it actually is not.
I use maybe a teaspoon's worth (or less) of shampoo and
work that between my wet hands...
...then just stroke it along the entire length of my hair.
Next...without working into a lather, I just rinse it out.
This is done maybe every 3rd day.
Re: slight problem
Posted by Reflective on August 15, 2002 at 21:53:46: Previous Next
In Reply to: slight problem posted by Erik on August 15, 2002 at 01:24:14:
Since your hair gets so oily, you might want to try washing and conditioning your hair several times per week. While it is wet, comb in some leave in conditioner. I find Infusium 23 works well. Also, work a generous amount of gel in when it's wet. You want to make sure to use a gel that contains no alcohol, as that would damage your hair. I like Dep level 8. When your hair is dry, the leave in conditioner and gel will control the frizzies and poofieness. Yet it will be clean and smell nice. Remember, girls don't object to long hair, they object to hair that looks ratty or like it's not taken care of.
Re: slight problem
Posted by Erik on August 16, 2002 at 01:27:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: slight problem posted by Erik on August 15, 2002 at 01:24:14:
I guess there was no real answer to my question because i couldent even exactly explaine my question i still dont know what it was but im going to just shampoo and condition as usual everyday and have clean blonde hair thats very lively and poofy what the heck. I mean the thickness and stuff some people would love to have so why abuse it. thanks everyone, also my hair never really started to smell, i use to use like pea drops of shampoo and work it around to prevent that