slight problem

slight problem
Posted by Erik on August 15, 2002 at 01:24:14: Previous Next

Well my parents, well actually just my mom hatess my new hair theory. I have onnly been washing my hair with luke warm water everyday and I will admit my hair is getting really oily and greasy looking. She said I look like I dont take care of my self now because my hair looks as she said "dirty". I quit washing my hair with shampoo because wheneever i do my hair gets all frizzie and poofy. Now when I dont wash it with shampoo its gets flatter and since my hair is blonde it makes it look darker and it has this wetness look to it all the time. I actually kinda like it but I do see how it can look dirty. So what can I do about this, My hair produces alot of oil, i mean just one day without washing it with shampoo you can see how it clumps like, i just keep it brushed and i avoid this clumping. But i just cant stand shampoo and I actually think it is damaging my hair too, it makes all these fly aways that stick up and curl out of no wear and brushing dont help that much when it does that. So what should i do. Im lost. I might post a picture somtime on the two different looks one cleaned with water and one cleaned with shampoo. also dont worry about what my mom thinks, she dont force me to do anything with my hair like other kids on this board but i do respect her opinions and stuff id just like to here what you think

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