PLEASE HELP me, Fleas in Hair!!

PLEASE HELP me, Fleas in Hair!!
Posted by Cactus Jack on August 15, 2002 at 16:09:43: Previous Next

i got a problem i kinda need your help with, my Dog just got flees and i can't seem to get rid of them, i gave her
sevral flee dips, used a flee collor, sprays and they keep coming back, now there all over the rug, all over me and as i fear starting to get in my hair,
Hair has been REALLY itchy and i have a bad feeling that there getting in it, how much damage can they do and is there any way to stop them without damageing my hair or scalp? this is kinda a huge problem because both me and my Girlfriend have long hair and i don't want them doing damage to either of ours. if anyone can help me i would REALLY apreciate it, Thanks
ps: i can't get them off the Dog or the rug either besides my hair :-(

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