Your REASON to GROW Mystery...

Your REASON to GROW Mystery...
Posted by LucksKind on August 25, 2002 at 17:02:25: Previous Next


... I was feeling particularly down and out...
quite a bit depressed, actually, when I just happened to be looking
through the booklet that came with one of my favorite CDs and I saw this guy with long hair... Idea formed all by itself in my head
that I should 'allow' my hair to grow...
And once I had made THAT decision, I never did look back. Sure, I
had lots of doubts--especially while going through that 'awkward'
phase--but NOTHING nd NOBODY could change my mind...

..But I still have NO idea where this all came from--still don't!

So what about YOU? Was it a CONSCIOUS decision to grow your hair or...
...did it 'just happen' like 'out of the blue'?

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